大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 12/09

我見 我聞 我思
曾經在華府六朝總統服務至今的公衙專家福其醫生今天總算是和總統當選人拜登見上一面, 事後他表示“我們必須有徹底一貫統一的信息和步調 ,包括政府衛服官員到醫衛專家、 醫生及地方的公衛負責人,並且非常淸楚和明確的告訴國民群眾如何應對疫情之挑戰。”
今年新冠疫情肆虐以來, 福其在川普白宮防疫隊伍中處於極為尶尬之地位,在防疫記者會上只見總統在會上高談闊論些外行話,根本不尊重專家之意見, 把疫情當成了政治舞台, 粉飾太平,把全國疫情發展至不可收拾之慘境。
總統當選人今天正式任命拉丁裔的加州檢察總長拜塞勒出任衛生部長, 並任命五位公衛專家共同組成救難團隊, 在他上任的第一天就會宣布全國人人戴口罩一百天 ,並將加速注射一億人之疫苗 ,希望在春天以前能全面控制疫情。
截至今天為止, 川普總統仍然不承認敗選, 並再重申他是勝利者,我們要非常遺憾的指出 ,事實勝於雄辯,白宮主人是領導世界的領袖,此次大選之失败,也是我們的不幸和恥辱。
Dr. Fauci’s Advice
Dr. Anthony Fauci finally spoke with President-elect Joe Biden. He is advising Biden that we need to have a uniform message that comes from the top right down to each and every one of the people involved, from the health officials, the physicians, the scientists, to the public health officials.
“We’ve all got to be on the same page and tell the American public that we’ve all got to pull together.”
President-elect Biden has formally introduced key members of his health team tasked with fighting COVID-19.
For his first 100 days in office, Biden outlined his three main goals: universal mask wearing, vaccinations and reopening of the schools. He also committed that his team will help get at least 100 million COVID-19 vaccine shots into the arms of the American people in the first 100 days.
Until today, President Trump and his allies have sent one fundamental message: millions of votes cast by their fellow Americans are worthless.”
For all of us as ordinary citizens, we only want to live a peaceful life. All of the political disputes don’t really help our nation.