大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 12/12

我見 我聞 我思
白宮今天直接告知聯邦薬物管理局局長,如果他在週五以前無法批准疫苗程序 ,就要炒他魷魚, 請他走路。
雖然兩支疫苗之批準已近在眼前,但是確診人數今天還是破了記錄, 共有十萬零六千人,我們看到各大醫院及社區之慘烈狀況, 真是人間煉獄 ,苦不堪言。
今天我們再看華府政壇, 由德州共和黨州務卿向其他五州提出之選舉無效之诉訟已被否決, 總統當選人拜登之子罕特已被聯邦司法部進行調查他和中国大陸商人不正常之交往, 川普總統還在推特中指責司法部門為何不在選前行動?
當全国國民正在和病毒做生死存亡的賽跑時,我們眼看政爭未停, 華府政壇一團混亂, 川普總統今天簽署了法案,旨在為聯邦預算支出延長一星期到十二月十八日 ,否則聯邦政府就要關門。
我們看到美國有史以來最黑暗的日子, 是天災也更是人禍。
America Is In Hell
The United States reported 108,044 COVID-19 hospitalizations on Friday, setting the highest record since the pandemic began. This is the tenth consecutive day that the U.S. has remained above 100,000 hospitalizations.
Today in Washington, D.C. President Trump signed a one-week stopgap funding bill to avert a government shutdown at midnight.
The Supreme Court today rejected a bid from Texas’s attorney general supported by Trump to block the ballots of millions of voters in the battleground states that went in favor of president-elect Joe Biden.
On Wednesday Biden’s son Hunter was under tax investigation, but federal prosecutors in Delaware now are looking into his dealings with a Chinese businessman.
White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows today told FDA chief Dr. Stephen M. Hahn that a vaccine must be authorized by Friday or he needs to resign.
We are very sad to see what is going on around the nation. Many people are losing their lives to the COVID-19 virus and we still don’t see any measures being put into place to slow down the pandemic. Our only hope now is the vaccine.