大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 12/30

我見 我思 我聞
今午我們步入世界級知名的聖路加醫療中心,沿着整排雄偉的醫院長廊走去,心中感到十分之激動和期待,這是女兒元瑜為我們安排的新冠輝瑞疫苗之接種,這座享譽全球的醫院, 為我們安排了週全之服務 ,在醫護人員之引導下, 下午二時半準時為我們注射了第一針無比珍貴之疫苗, 目前為止 ,只有二百萬人接受注射, 我們是何等之幸運。
自從新冠疫情在年初開始氾濫以來, 我們對於在聖路加工作的女兒十分担心 ,她日夜站在救人的最前缐 ,她不顧自身安危, 因為這是醫生之天責。
記起多年前, 在紐約哥倫比亜大學上學的女兒 ,每次我去探訪,都把她的室友有白人、亞裔 、拉丁裔 、黑人 一起邀約到大學對面的韓國館, 飽餐一頓, 尤其在冬天的紐約 ,室外飄著雪 ,我們大嚼辛棘的韓式火鍋和泡菜。
時光易逝, 女兒已经行醫十餘年了, 由于她的善解人意, 樂於助人, 臉帶微笑, 勇於任事, 不斷得到同事及病患之讚譽。
我們感到十二萬分的慶幸, 值此新冠疫情還不斷衝擊汜濫之時刻 ,全美只有二百萬人極少數能接種 ,在女兒之悉心安排下優先種苗。
還有更多的疫苗在近期內將問市, 全球都在期待疫苗能夠盡快拯救在水深火熱中的災情, 让我們共同為科硏專家及前綫的醫療團隊表示由衷之感謝吧。
We Got The COVID-19 Pfizer Vaccination
Today my wife and I walked into the world famous CHI St. Luke’s Medical Center to get the COVID-19 Pfizer vaccine shot which was arranged by our daughter Margaret. In the lobby area we were greeted by very professional nurses and got the shot at 2:30 pm. We are so fortunate at this coronavirus pandemic time. We were among one or two million people to get the vaccination so far.
Since early this year, Margaret has worked at the hospital. We have been so worried about her safety, but she is so devoted to do everything a dedicated professional medical doctor needs to do.
It was many years ago when Margaret studied at New York Columbia University. Every time I went to visit her, we always invited all her roommates to eat Korean food in front of the university. In the winter days especially, the barbecue made us warmer.
Margaret became a medical doctor almost ten years ago. With her warm personality and smiling face, along with her natural kindness, she has had a very successful career as a physician.
We are also so fortunate and proud because with Margaret’s help, we had the chance to get vaccinated at a very early stage.
We all hope more vaccine will be on the way. This is problematic and the only chance to rescue our society.
Here we are all thankful for the many vaccine researchers and medical teams on the front line fighting the virus every day.