大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 01/02/2021

我見 我聞 我思
走進2021新的年頭,美國確診人數仍激烈上升,已經超過二千萬人之驚悚數字, 但是華盛頓的政客們只在乎政治利益之爭奪戰,而對國人之死亡痛苦却視而不見。
當初聯邦政府答應在年底前完成二千萬人之新冠疫苗種植, 截止今天只有二百三十萬,政府的行政如此緩慢 ,到底如何向國人交待。
今午參議院以絕對多數把總統否決的國防法案給否決了,換言之,這項由參眾兩院通過之法案,即便川普不喜歡, 也由不得他, 國會諸公在顧全國家安全的情況下,都能共體時艱, 這真是人民的一大勝利。
即將到來的元月六日總統選舉人票公佈之大日子 ,不管川普如何運作拉攏共和黨人”叛變” 都已經變得絕無可能, 拜登當選已經是決無問題的事了。這次總統當選人之正當性對川普來說,是生死之戰 ,他的行徑給予共和黨們出了個大难題, 對於大選中七千多萬人支持川普之選票, 是他最大的政治資本 ,共和黨的議員你們今後要選舉 ,就得看看川粉們的臉色, 但是基於國家整個利益,川普在他最後的白宮歲月做出許多怪異的行動, 這是我們歷史上所罕見。
動蘯混亂的一年,總會過去, 我們平民老百姓所求的不過是個平安的日子, 但願新的年頭 ,上天保佑我們。
Miserable Year Should Be Over Soon
Today the U.S. surpassed 20 million COVID-19 cases while experts predict more tough times ahead this month. The nation has also set a pandemic hospitalization record for four straight days. Some leaders say the worst is yet to come. In Atlanta, the convention center will again become a field hospital according to John Hopkins University. Data shows that December was the deadliest month with more than 77,500 deaths, bringing the total now to 346,000 deaths.
The Senate voted on Friday to override President Trump’s veto of the National Defense Authorization Act delivering a defeat to the president in his final days in office.
Trump’s veto really forced the Republicans to decide whether to defy the president in support of legislation that sets the defense policy for the country. A lot of politicians know that Trump got more than seventy million votes in the election which gave him a very strong political base for the future.
Virginia Democratic Senator Tim Kaine issued a statement after the vote in the Senate saying that today’s vote sent a clear message that Congress will not allow President Trump to stand in the way of that support stating that, “I’m relieved the critical bipartisan priorities we fought for will become law.”
As many as 140 House Republicans could vote to throw out the electoral votes on January 6. That number represents a strong majority of Republicans in the House trying to overturn the election and swear allegiance to the president. But in reality, these political games will really damage our democratic system.
We as ordinary citizens are really disgusted with what’s been going on in Washington D.C. politics. All we want is the peaceful life.