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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 01/06

大俠行天下日記  我見我聞我思 01/06

我見 我聞 我思


曾任美國華人百人會首任會長楊雪蘭及著名鋼琴家傅聰近日都先後去世, 她們的精彩人生代表了上一代海外華人的歷史篇章。

楊雪蘭女士曾任美國通用汽車副總裁領導該公司打開了整個亞州地區之業務, 並且和馬友友 貝聿銘等共同創立了百人會, 任首任會長 她擁有韋爾斯利學院之經濟學學位, 她以其藝術文化之平台, 推動西方古典音樂來促進中外文化之交流 她經常在曼哈頓家中举辦派對邀請政治要人和音樂表演家交流。

楊女士在一九三五年出生於上海 父親是中國外交官楊光洙, 母親曾經在聯合國擔任禮賓官, 她的父親在駐馬尼拉總领事任內被日本軍隊殺害, 二戰結束後她和母親才有機會逃到美國。

旅居英國的華裔鋼琴家傅聰, 也因新冠病毒元月四日去世享年八十六歲。

傅聰早在一九五五年在肖邦國際鋼琴比賽中獲得第三名, 成為第一批國際認證的鋼琴家之一, 早年他和父親之「傅雷家書」中充滿了對人生之教誨和嚴厲的父愛, 他說父親的名言就是: 第一做人, 第二是藝術家 笫三是音樂家, 最後才是鋼琴家。


我們對於這兩位傑出的海外華人表示由衷之哀悼和敬佩, 今天生活在國外超過七千萬華裔炎黃子孫, 經歷了多少國內外之变遷和煎熬, 他們的成就和貢獻, 將會永遠留在我們的心中。

( 图片来源: 新华社)

Outstanding Overseas Chinese Shining In Their History

Shirley Young, a Chinese American who broke the barriers at a major U.S. corporation and became a top executive with General Motors, died on December 26, 2020. She was 85.

In 1959, Shirley became an executive with Grey Advertising which only employed a few Asian women with the firm. After she left GM, she opened her own consulting firm, but her real passion was music. For over twenty years she became an important force by expanding western music into China and other Asian countries. Shirley was born on May, 25, 1935. In Shanghai, her father was a Chinese diplomat, but he was executed by the Japanese army in the Philippines during World War II.

In London, world famous Chinese born pianist Fou Ts’ong died in London because of the coronavirus. He was 86.

Mr. Fou became one of the first Chinese pianists to achieve global prominence when he won third place in the International Chopin Piano Competition in Warsaw in 1955. Mr. Fou once recalled what his father said, “First you must be a person, then an artist and then a musician, and only then can you be a pianist. Even now, I believe in this order--that it should be this way and that I am this way.”

Under the strict supervision of his parents, Mr. Fou was educated in the Classical Chinese tradition and culture influence. In his later years, Mr. Fou became a renowned concert pianist on the international stage.

We feel very sad that both of these outstanding Chinese have passed away. This also represents the last chapter of that generation. Because of the political situation, they had to leave their native land. We are also so proud of what they did for our society. And also the world.