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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 01/08/2021

大俠行天下日記  我見我聞我思 01/08/2021

我思 我見 我聞



我們号稱是世界上實施民主制度的老牌國家,暴徒公然佔領民主殿堂是何等不幸之大事, 它不僅是美國的問題, 也影響了所有世界民主國家未來的走向。

許多世界領袖直接指責川普應為暴力事件負責, 因為他不斷散播仇恨及虛假言論, 致使川粉相信他铤而走险,他公然對同黨人士進行攻擊在川普政府服務之公僕更換有如走馬燈, 離職官員多半對他憤怒相對,出書爆料, 他對此也不在乎, 只希望追求權位保住大座。

政治观察家都認為世界上許多國家都在長期上演未遂政變, 現在終於在美國上演所幸川普之野心未能實現, 總算今天承認元月二十日之政權應該和平轉移, 但為時已晚。

現任交通部長的華裔趙小蘭今天已向川普遞交辭職 我們真是要為趙部長喝采, 我們也真難想像她是如何和川普在白宮共事數年。

美國國會也在酝酿立即對川普提出罷免案, 也希望副總統能提出憲法第二十五條修正案迫總統去職。

總之 川普總統大膽妄為的行為 已經让他成為歷史的罪人 更不要多想下屆能選總統的美夢了。

他曾經說過, 憲法是我們幾個世紀智慧和經驗之產物 一場激進運動正試圖摧毀這一珍貴遺產, 這不就是他教唆川粉去幹的蠢事嗎?

川普終於在週四上午發表聲明承認败選, 同意在元月二十日和平交出政權。

Trump Finally Concedes He Lost The Election

This is a very shameful and sad day in American history. The pro-Trump rioters attacked  not only a building, but also the Constitution of the United States. As President-elect Joe Biden said, “Our democracy is under unprecedented assault unlike anything we have seen in modern times.” He described it as an assault on the “citadel of liberty,” the Capitol itself.”

Wednesday was a horrifying and shameful moment in American history. A lot of countries have had coups in their governments. Now it has finally happened in our country.

Trump was talking for democracy, still saying that the election was stolen. Almost 62 percent of Republicans believed that what he said was laying the groundwork for the kind of violence that occurred.

The rest of the world watched as an angry mob stormed the heart of the world’s most powerful democracy as the suspense was unfolding in Washington, D.C. with dismay and disbelief.

Today Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chow resigned from her post. We applaud her for her right decision. Many congressmen also wanted to impeach the president and some of them suggested the cabinet should force him to resign.

We are very happy that the new administration will be inaugurated within two weeks.

On Thursday, Trump finally conceded publicly for the first time that he will not serve a second term and said that, “A new administration will be inaugurated on January 20th.

Yes, Mr. President, you just did the right thing.