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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 01/15/2021

大俠行天下日記  我見我聞我思 01/15/2021

我見 我思 我聞


正當川普政府走向執政盡頭之時,我們這個國家正遭受到嚴重分裂迷失自我的時刻,在過去四年來政治舞台上的相互指責謾罵,謊言充斥在社會各階層, 更有社群媒體之推波助瀾, 川普每天在推特上大放厥詞, 以推特來治國。

華府街頭今天開始戒嚴 數萬武裝軍人駐守在國會大廈週圍, 大範圍街道已經被高牆隔離, 有三位共和黨籍眾議員公然支持上週三之暴亂, 在此同時, 新冠疫情正以野火般之速度席捲全球, 造成最嚴重的災難, 今天一天內超過四千四百死於新冠病毒, 超過了911 及珍珠港事件死亡人數。

我們目睹數千位年輕士兵疲累地睡在國會大廰 為的是保護這座民主殿堂不再被佔領, 這也是從南北戰爭以來有軍隊在國會大厦安營紥寨。

雖然拜登注定下週三正式接管政府, 但是新政府頭痛之事也剛開始, 他的经濟團隊已經擬定新救濟方案, 將再發放一千四百元國民救濟金 也將撥款加強防疫工作。

眾議院彈劾川普案雖然通過, 如何在參議院去審查還是未定之天, 總統目前遭遇到各方的巨大壓力, 包括社群媒體和各大公司銀行及紐約市政府都把他列為拒絕往來戶, 包括歐洲在內的許多盟國都謝絕美國高官之到訪真是可謂眾叛親離, 顏面掃地。

好友國會議員格林上週在機㘯受到一批川粉辱駡是賣國賊, 我在電話中對他表示慰問, 我們試問 這些暴徒之行為才是真的賣國賊。

我們不願看到國家之分裂, 是否也象徵美國國力在衰退中 ?

Is This What Our Nation Decided?

When Mr. Trump became the only president impeached twice, lawmakers have been trying to remove him within the last days left in his term. A Democratic congressman accused Republican colleagues of helping the mob attack the Capitol building last week. All of this along with the ongoing pandemic made the situation catastrophically worse in the last few days of Trump’s presidency.

Today more than 4,400 people died of the coronavirus in just one day. This figure is more than all the people killed at Pearl Harbor or on September 11, 2001.

Historians are trying to define this pandemic time with other periods of challenge from the Great Depression, World War II, the Civil War and the McCarthy era. Never before has the military been needed to guard the Capitol Building. This is the first time.

As Texas Democratic representative Joaquin Castro said, “Donald Trump is the most dangerous man to ever occupy the Oval Office.”

Our dear friend Congressman Al Green tells us that he was harassed by people identifying themselves as Trump supporters who shouted to him, “You are a traitor.”

Republican Senator Mitt Romney was also confronted at the Salt Lake City airport and heckled while flying to Washington, D.C. last Tuesday.

The incoming Biden administration unveiled a $1.9 trillion stimulus plan that offers to help people and the economy recover from the coronavirus pandemic, including sending $1,400 checks to all households.

FBI analysts have received more than 126,000 photographic and video tips related to last week’s Capitol riot.

A man seen holding a Confederate battle flag inside the Capitol was arrested as investigators are also trying to find out if any Congressmen helped coordinate the siege.

Before Biden even comes to power his new administration already is facing big challenges including an out of control pandemic. We really feel so sad that so many people are losing their lives. Along with all the serious political issues we face, our nation is deeply divided now.