大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 01/16/2021

即將就任美國總統的拜登團隊週四提出1.9萬億之紓困案, 已經受到共和黨做置疑, 這項大動作是拜登對選民所做的的重要承諾, 其中包括全面性再加發一百四百元, 拜登希望他上任後火速通過此案,以對美國経濟打上一劑強心針。
華府國會及白宮已經築建高牆及二萬國民軍駐進, 在就職典禮前夕, 華府地區已經搜出數百支非法武器 ,聯邦調查局及有關治安單位已經全部就位, 以防暴亂事件之重演。
正當疫情不斷惡化 ,新政府接下的爛攤子, 其中首要之任務就是疫情之猖狂 ,拜登誓言他將在一百天之內為一億國民種植,希望以力挽狂瀾的大動作來救國救民。
在彈劾川普案中, 他被指控詆毀十一月選舉結果, 他在當天的群眾大會上說, 如果你不拚命戰鬥,你將不再擁有這個國家, 這是煽動叛亂, 如果參议院可以通過最嚴重的後果,可能是剝奪他再次參加公職選舉之資格 ,馬里蘭州民主黨籍多數黨領袖霍耶在眾議院力主加快彈劾川普, 他說我們做正確的事,什麼時候都不算晚。
新政府上台之後, 除了疫情及経濟問題之外, 在外交上也面臨如何重返多邊國際社會之問題, 過去四年來 ,由于川普之單邊所謂美國第一之政策, 打亂了世界和美國之關係 ,我們盼望拜登團隊重新制定方案, 重返國際社會, 下台後的川普 ,一定不甘寂寞 ,還會結合其死忠川粉繼續給新政府製造矛盾。
Help Is On The Way
President-elect Biden has proposed a $1.9 trillion stimulus bill that will issue bigger stimulus checks and more aid to the unemployed, the hungry and those people facing eviction.
The plan calls for sending another $1,400 per person to individuals and the jobless will get $400 up from $300 per week. The plan would provide $25 billion in rental assistance for low and moderate income families and another $5 billion would be set aside to help struggling renters pay their utility bills. The plan calls for providing $15 billion to create new grants for small business owners and is separate from the existing paycheck protection program.
This is huge assistance for all of us. But the new administration’s even more urgent matter will be the pandemic which is spiraling out of control.
From the international side, the Biden administration needs to repair U.S. relationships around the world. In the last four years President Trump has withdrawn the U.S. from many international organizations and the relationships with most countries has deteriorated.
We need to look forward to our future. All of us need to help the new government to unite us and not divide us.
In heavily military protected Washington, D.C., the whole world is watching how this great nation will change its power. A peaceful transition of power is essential to our democratic system.