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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 01/18/2021

大俠行天下日記  我見我聞我思 01/18/2021

我見 我思 我聞

寒風凄雨 聞人離去

-- 追悼王大熙博士及藝術家王維力

正當世界各地角落遭受新冠疫情不斷肆虐之時, 美洲大陸亦遭到病毒之空前浩劫, 正是哀嚎遍地之時, 我們非常悲慟地送走了華裔醫療專家王大熙博士及名雕刻藝朮家王维力先生。

王大熙教授係何明通教授之夫人, 雙人結縭已超過半個世紀 ,他們皆是上一代留美学生之表率 ,終身服務於安德森癌症硏究中心 ,取得了無數学術及癌症研究之成就奬, 王博士出生書香世家 ,早年畢業於台灣師範大學 ,来美後獲奧立崗大學博士學位, 終身致力於學術及醫療研究工作, 外曾祖父翁同龢曾任晚清重臣 ,父親王祖祥早年留美曾任國民政府内部司長。

王教授最重要是熱心助人, 凡是要到安德森癌症醫院去治療的華人同胞, 她都會盡全力幫助, 可謂是菩薩心腸的大善人。

就在上週離世的雕塑家王维力更是世界級的藝術家, 早年畢業於中央藝術學院, 曾經為孫中山 、宋慶齡塑像, 来美後更為老布什等美國政界 ,電影藝人塑造數百座銅像 ,在諸多藝術館 機場及廣場所陳列收藏, 最難得可貴的是 ,王老師近年來在他位於休斯敦國際區的私宅, 免費教授中外學生每週定期教授雕塑課, 每年並帶領學生們走遍世界各大山川 ,尤其是大陸河山让大家體驗中西文化之精髓, 多年前我們有幸參加王老師之師生作品大展, 台上下多半是金髪碧眼的老外 ,他們對王老師真是做到尊師重道的感人場面, 王老師多年來通過藝術來傳遞中華文化, 他是真正的文化交流大使。

今夜又不斷傳來新冠疫情之惡耗 ,窗外寒風再起, 想到王博士和王老師離我們遠去, 心中再次激起悲慟之情 ,在她們一生中已經走完了精彩的人生旅程, 就如詩句中所說 ,他們沒有帶走一片彩雲 。但願她們在天國中永遠微笑, 因為他們已經為社會尽力了。



Remembering two Chinese- American celebrities

When the coronavirus pandemic attacked our nation, two of our most prominent Chinese-Americans in Houston, Texas, passed away.

Professor Daisy Wang Ho was a long time researcher and professor at Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Dr. Wang came from Taiwan in the early 60’s after she earned her PhD degree. She married Dr. Ben Ho and they moved to Houston. Since then, they were married more than one-half century. Daisy had such a warm heart for helping the people who needed to be in the hospital. Many people were also assisted by her grandfather Weng Tonghe (1830-1904). He was a Chinese Confucian scholar and imperial tutor who lived in the Qing Dynasty. In 1856 he came to the prestigious Hamlin Academy. In the last fifty years Dr. Wang was involved in many community service activities and donated her time and money to help many needy people.

In the same week we also lost one of the most famous sculptor artist, Willy Wang. He graduated from the sculpture department of Beijing Central Academy of Fine Art in 1962 and moved to America in 1981.

His works included a marble sculpture of Madame Sun Yat-Sen, a bronze cast of the late President George Bush, a bronze bust of Cary Grant and “Jesus Healing” for the Methodist Hospital.

Aside from his active artwork, Mr. Wang also devotedly taught art classes in his Houston studio free-of-charge. He also went on tours with many of his students and traveled to different countries around the world. Many years ago we attended one of his student’s party and display of all their artworks. Willy Wang was really the East and West culture ambassador in our community.

We are so very sad that both of them have left us and gone to Heaven. They should be very satisfied. They both had full lives because of their contribution to our society.

We send our condolences to both of their families. All the people really loved them.