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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 01/20/2021

大俠行天下日記  我見我聞我思 01/20/2021

我見 我思 我聞

療傷止痛 歷史新頁


在華盛頓林肯紀念堂前的燭光 代表四十萬個因新冠病毒失去生命的國人, 在悲傷的哀樂聲中 聆聽了拜登及賀錦麗的感人演說 他們沉思禱念那些在苦難中的家庭失去了父母、 祖父母、 兄弟姐妹或自己的愛人, 這也是拜登昨晚從家鄉德拉瓦州飛抵華府之後立即參加了感人的追悼會 賀錦麗在會中表示, 多少個月來, 這是我們全國國民能夠共同追悼死難同胞的時刻, 她呼籲大家同舟共濟 為國家前途共同守護和團結在一起。

在重兵及警衛的重重包圍下, 拜登今天正式登上美國總統之寶座 超過三分之二的全國民眾支持他的新政府入主白宮 在參眾兩院民主黨都佔了多數 可謂是民主黨全面執政的時代己經來臨。

拜登入主白宮, 但是接下來一大堆川普留下的爛攤子, 其中最緊急的就是新冠疫情之不斷汜濫, 四十萬人失去生命如何拯救失控的瘟疫, 是拜登立即要行動的項目, 包括他誓言每月至少打一百萬支疫苗, 在一百天內至少有一億人能種上疫苗。

在紓困経濟方案 拜登將把一兆九千億之方案送交國會審查 意料會很快通過 新任財長也極力主張加大紓困及國家基礎建設計劃, 全國刺激経濟復甦。

在外交上, 拜登要立即修復和盟國關係, 目前被川普打爛了的中美關係, 及如何對應朝鮮伊朗問題 都是新政府之難題。

國內種族衝突問題 拜登在政府閣員中, 已經任命非裔出任國防部長及許多少數族裔出掌各大部會, 充分证明他在努力平衡机會平等的做法。

拜登上任後, 會立即宣布在美國居住了八年以上的居民可以得到永久居留權及入籍之機會, 這就是美國再次大赦非法居民 並對海外留學生再度放寬來美之限制。

雖然新政府百廢待舉 但是我們應有充分信心, 大家共同努力, 為國家前途而奮鬥。

President Biden Opens A New Chapter

A somber ceremony at the Lincoln Memorial last night was the first stop for Joe Biden. He came to Washington to honor the terrible toll of 400,000 Americans who have lost their lives to COVID-19. The President-elect told Americans that he shared their grief with his own understanding that has been deepened by the loss of his son and his wife and daughter in a car accident. He said, “It’s hard sometimes to remember, but that’s how we heal and it’s important to do so as a nation.”

400 lights were illuminated along the edges of the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting pool marking more than 400,000 Americans who have died from Covid-19.

Vice President-elect Kamala Harris also spoke at the memorial noting that for many months we have grieved by ourselves. Tonight we grieve and begin healing together.

Today the inauguration ceremony was surrounded by a heavy military force. This is the first time in our history the current president was not in attendance.

The Biden administration is facing serious challenges. The first thing on the list is the coronavirus pandemic. Biden promised to give a million vaccine shots every day in his first one hundred days. He is expected to sign a series of executive orders within hours after being sworn in. Today he also proposed a $1.9 trillion coronavirus bailout package that would increase unemployment benefits and generate a new round of stimulus checks. Another most visible change is expected to be a national mask mandate that will be put into effect initially in locations that the federal government can enforce.

On the immigration issue, Biden will relax travel bans on the largely Muslin population countries and immediately stop construction of the border wall. He also plans to create a task force to reunite children with their parents who were separated at the border. He also will send a bill to Congress to provide a pathway for citizenship for 11 million undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S.

All of us are so happy that the new day has arrived. We all should support the new Biden administration that will be working to unite our country.