大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 01/27/2021

1/27/2021 星期三日記
我見 我思 我聞
全民動員 戰勝病毒
拜登政府正在動員所有國家力量,計劃在百日內為半數國人種植新冠疫苗, 來拯救全國面臨的重大危機,總統在記者會沉痛表示,因疫情嚴重到二月底可能有五十萬人會失去寶貴生命, 目前為止 ,每十六個國人就有一位確診, 這是多么可怕的數字。
在疫苗之供應上,也出現非常緊張的狀態,總統今天再次簽署行政命令,將責成聯邦救災中心緊急動員在全國各地設置疫苗中心, 全面啟動支援種植疫苗工作,同時聯邦政府在國防法案下全面投入各種防疫設備之生產工作。
我們欣見美國重返联合國下的國際衛生組織, 美國代表福其博士已經面告該組織將全力配合,共同解決全球面對之疫情危機。
值此緊急特別時期,我們要大力呼籲政府在對那些特定族群施打之後,應該立即在全國各大中小醫療機構及數十萬家藥行,展開全民式的施打工作, 只要有身份證明者都可立即施打, 根據拜登總统之估計,在一百天內就有半數國人接種 ,在暑假以前也會有百分之七十以上種上疫苗, 整個情勢可能就會好轉。
拜登總統之醫療團隊上週起開始全面動員, 並且由福其博士以專業方式向國人發表談話,他再度呼籲大家必要時要戴雙層口罩,嚴格保持距離,及勤洗手,我們大家務必遵從規定,全民動員共抗病毒。
National Emergency For COVID-19
President Biden announced that he has ramped up the coronavirus vaccine allocations and distribution program including the purchase of 200 million more vaccine doses and increased distribution to states by one million doses next week. With these additional doses there will be enough to fully vaccinate 300 million Americans, nearly the entire U.S. population.
We are very happy that the new administration is taking such great steps and implementing a national strategy to beat COVID-19. It is based on science and not politics. We also are very glad to see that the United States has returned to the World Health Organization. Led by Dr. Fauci, we are going to work with all the members to fight this worldwide crisis.
We are also urging that the vaccines should go to all nations as soon as possible. We will also need to vaccinate the seniors group through the local pharmacies. However we need to get it to them, we just need to let them have it.
Another very important rule is that everybody needs to mask up for the next one hundred days.
Pfizer and Moderna, makers of the two vaccines that have been authorized for emergency use, have promised 200 million doses--enough for 100 million people by the end of March.
We also need a more ambitious goal to vaccinate more people. It is possible. The biggest difference is that this administration has changed all the vaccination plans to keep the people’s spirits up.
Time is a very central issue in this critical time. We all need to work with national and local governments to fight and win the battle.