大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 01/28/2021

我見 我思 我聞
拜登總統今天簽署行政命令,將允許更多的難民進入美國 ,推翻了前任川普政府之難民政策 ,他毎年只能接受一萬五千人 ,但是拜登總統將把難民人數增加到十二萬五千人。
我們非常贊同新政府之徳政, 允許更多的難民來到美國追求他們的夢想。
近年來,由於世界各地戰亂不斷,大批難民流竄世界各地,他們多半希望前往美國 ,但由于川普反移民政策, 幾乎變得不可能。
今天看看世界各國之情況 ,由於保守政策拒絕接受新的移民,多半都處於國力哀退之窘境, 他們拒絕接受难民缺乏移民政策, 是國家發展缺乏動力的最大原因。
美國的立國精神是以大愛精神號召,但在上任總統以美國優先為民,實行反移民政策 ,過去四年來造成了許多人間悲劇, 把難民之孩童和父母分離居留。
我的好友琪美容保養品公司老闆薛米先生在十五年前曾經競選德州州長, 他在選舉大會上公開表示, 如果德州沒有拉丁和墨裔移民 ,就如我們沒有陽光一様 ,薛米先生是來自巴勒斯坦之難民 ,如今他創建了龎大的事业群, 更是難民成功之實例。
The Success Story Of Farouk Shami
President Biden is ready to sign an executive order to let tens of thousands more refugees come into America.
Under former President Trump there was a cap of 15,000 refugees in fiscal year of 2021. The number of refugees admitted into the U.S. fell dramatically under the Trump administration.
During the campaign Biden committed to open more doors to newcomers and allow 125,000 to come into the country. That is ten times more than the previous administration.
We are so glad President Biden is helping more refugees come here to seek the American dream.
We as the new immigrant community will open our arms to welcome them because most of the people are looking to America as their last hope.
Almost fifteen years ago the founder of Chi, my friend Mr. Farouk Shami, was running for Governor of Texas. His famous remark was, “In Texas, without Latino Mexicans, it would look like our sky without sunshine.”
Farouk is an immigrant from Palestine. His success story represents how much contribution newcomers make to our nation.
Farouk we are so proud of you. Today all of us should be able to tell the new administration that it is vital for our country to have new blood to build this nation.
Many years later we will have more Farouks in this country to help America become a better place to live.