大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 01/30/2021

我見 我思 我聞
美國嬌生藥廠今天作出重大宣布,該公司硏究之新冠疫苗將於下星期送交聯邦政府審查,將是一針就搞定的疫苗, 這無疑是當前疫情緊張情勢的一劑強心針。
正當在英國、南非變異病毒猖獗之時,嬌生疫苗有高達百分之七十二之效果, 對付南非疫情也可達百分之五十七。
在美國政府支持之五家製藥公司中, 嬌生是唯一只要施打一次, 這將會加速全國國民得到疫苗之保。
全球七十多億人口中,目前各國生產之疫苗多半控制在富有國家手中, 許多貧困國家根本無能力採購,如果多半的人無法得到施打,對於全球恢復常態將是嚴重的挑戰。
今天的世界已經是地球村,不管你如何置身事外, 將無法逃避共有之挑戰。
我們非常高興看到拜登總統對國人及全世界人類之慈仁之心, 我們一定要盡力幫助全球走出苦痛之深渊。
The One Shot Vaccine Is Coming
Johnson & Johnson is the only major drug company developing a one-shot vaccine for COVID. It is a shot that will provide strong protection and potentially offer another powerful tool to fight the worldwide crisis.
Johnson & Johnson became the fiftieth company supported by the U.S. government to develop an effective vaccine in less than one year and the only one that will need only one dose. It is very important that the new vaccine gets approved as soon as possible to reduce the burden of the crisis around the world.
White House officials have been counting on the Johnson & Johnson vaccine to ease the shortfall of supply.
When the nation is screaming to get more vaccines, this new product will not just be for our own use. It also will help more people around the world in the future.
Today, of the total world population, only a few rich countries are in control of the vaccine. We still have most people without the vaccine. When we look at the current pandemic, unless we can vaccinate the majority of the people, we just cannot stop the crisis.
The Biden administration is doing their best now in many ways. We want to urge the Congress to take the dramatic measure to pass the relief bill. Unless we can take care of the current pandemic, our economy will still suffer.
If Johnson & Johnson can deliver the vaccine quickly enough to United States, it might be able to drive down the number of new cases before the new variants make things worse.
We really want to salute all the scientists for their contribution for making another new vaccine, not just to save our nation, but for the rest of the world as well.