大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 02/01

上週接到了拜登總統的一封感謝函,感謝我們對總统大選及就職委員會之支持, 並期望新政府之開始為我們帶來團結,希望和和平。
總統在信中表示, 就職典禮的日子是我們歷史上難忘的一天, 我要感謝像你這樣支持我們的人, 如果沒有像你們這樣的支持和奉獻,我們的就職日是不可能的。
他在信末中堅信, 我們的民主已經繼續張顕, 並發自內心的表達感謝之忱。
多少年來,做為新移民亞華裔社區之一份子,我們常常遭到無端的種族歧視和不公平待遇, 尤其是近年來政府施政,白人優越主義之高漲, 使社會出現嚴重之分裂。
拜登總統給我的信, 可能是他写給數千位支持者信中之一, 但是 ,我非常榮幸和高興 ,我們的聲音他已經聽到了,但願上天保佑我們。
President Biden’s letter
I received a letter from President Biden last week saying that, “We just wanted to say thanks for all you’ve done. Even though Inauguration Day was different in a lot of ways this year, we had millions of folks across the country show up to celebrate and honor a new beginning in America.”
The President said, “This is the start of a new era in American history. We have an administration dedicated to unity, hope and peace and we’re glad you’re here to join us in it.”
Today on this January day, my whole soul is in this hope: Bringing America back together into greatness by uniting our people and our nation, and I ask every American to join me in this cause.
I was so deeply moved when I received this letter from the President, even though it may have just been one of millions he sent out to his supporters.
In this very critical time for our nation, we are facing so many challenges with the pandemic, the economy and international relations. We believe the new Biden administration will be fully prepared to fight for our future.
As members of the Asian-American community, we are all here to support the new government in many areas because this is our responsibility and this is our country.