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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 02/02/2021

大俠行天下日記  我見我聞我思 02/02/2021

我見 我思 我聞



這項新的測試劑可以有百分之九十五之準確性, 並且在十五分鐘之內就可得到結果, 並可在手機上顯示出來。

美國药品管理局已經批准這項測劑在藥店中出售, 這也無疑是對抗新冠病毒之重大勝利。

拜登政府上台以來 以十萬火急之速度在拯救失控的疫情,政府中負責醫療之專家每天面對國人作簡報, 拜登總統把抵抗疫情之工作都由福其博士為首之專業人士全權負責, 和前任川普截然不同。

福其博士代表美國重返国際衛生組織, 並且和世界各地代表進行著非常頻繁的接觸, 他說 “ 防疫是全球性的共同工作, 我們無法置身事外 福其博士也是拯救世界疫情的重要推手, 也表現美國對世界各國之關懷。”

我們非常痛心, 世界及美國之疫情還在不斷蔓延, 疫苗之生產远遠無法達到需求 富國和窮國分配之疫苗可謂天壤之別 我們熱烈期盼各種新疫苗能大量上市, 來挽救全世界遭遇之浩劫。

At-Home COVID-19 Test Is On The Way

The Biden administration announced Monday that the U.S. federal government is working with the Australian company Ellume to provide more of its fully at-home COVID-19 tests to the United States.

The White House COVID-19 senior advisor Andy Slavitt said, “Ellume has been ramping up manufacturing and will ship 100,000 test kits per month to the U.S.” The award announced Monday provides $231.8 million to Ellume USA for onshore production capacity of the at-home tests for the United States. This will scale up to 19 million test kits per month by the end of the year.

This rapid antigen test sold over the counter can be done at home using a nasal swab, a dropper and processing fluid. The test uses an analyzer that connects with an app on your smartphone and can interpret your results all from the convenience of your home.

Despite the challenges posed by the vaccine rollout, Dr. Anthony Fauci has predicted that the U.S. can vaccinate 60-85 % of all adults by the end of summer which could bring normalcy to the country by the fall.

We are so happy and very much appreciate the new Biden administration making the dramatic effort to try and save lives. We are also hoping that more companies will produce more vaccine to let more people get vaccinated.

Dr. Fauci is leading the U.S delegation back to the World Health Organization (WHO) now. As he said, this pandemic is a worldwide issue, not just for any individual nation. It is only right that we as America, the richest country in the world, should help the whole world to defeat such a horrible pandemic.