大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 02/03/2021

去年剛當選聯任的幾內亞總統孔戴,最近出版「非洲大陸願景 」今天特托友人帯回二本他親筆簽名之大作, 細讀之後, 對孔戴總統一生對國家之奉献 深深感動。
幾內亞位於非洲西部, 去年在推動修憲让孔戴總統得以尋求第三任期, 幾经反對勢力之反對, 終于通過, 他在去年十月十八日的全民投票中以百分之五十九點四九獲勝, 開啟他另外六年的任期。
這個西非國家人口一千七百萬人, 有地質奇迹之稱, 鋁矾土藏量四百億噸 ,位居世界第一,沿海大陸架已發現石油, 東南部有大片原始森林,盛產紅木黑檀木, 由于交通不便, 許多資源尚待開發。
為了加強國家建設, 政府及私人企業特别於二月二十四日至二十七日舉行大型招商大會 ,歡迎全球企業界人士在缐上或實地參與會議。
添為幾內亞駐休斯敦名譽總領事 ,我們也特別邀請大家參加此一盛會 ,不要失去了到非洲投資的大好機會。
President Condé’s New Book
Today I received two copies of the President of Guinea’s new book, “A Vision For Africa.”
President Alpha Condé spent his whole life in a political battle for democracy during which he underwent exile and imprisonment. He is the first democratically elected president in Guinea since 2010. In power, he has promised to develop the country. As a university professor, he became a statesman and continued his long journey in service to his country.
Guinea is a country in West Africa bordered on the west by the Atlantic Ocean. Natural resources are plentiful. In addition to its hydroelectric potential, the country possesses a large portion of the world’s bauxite and significant amounts of iron, gold and diamonds.
To serve the people who want to invest in Guinea, The First Guinea Investment Forum will be held on Feb. 24 to 27. This is the first transactional platform for key investment actors. The Guinea government as well as national, regional and international actors will join the event.
The priority of investments including Agriculture, Energy, Infrastructure, Mining and the digital economy will be discussed.
As President Condé said in his welcome message, “I give you the reassurance of my government in the security and profitability of your investments within the framework of a win-win partnership.”
As Honorary Consul of Guinea In Houston, I am inviting you and your friends to join this forum to explore the opportunities in the Republic of Guinea.