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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 02/12/2021

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 02/12/2021

我見 我聞 我思


第二十五屆國際農曆新年网上音樂會於昨天年三十晚除夕夜透過臉書YouTube美南電視台向全世界播出由于疫情之原因 這是我們首次以網路新媒體平台向全世界世界的華人同胞們共度佳節

昨天下午接到了特納市長的來電表示對我們農曆新年之特別問候 他知道因為疫情仍然嚴峻 他無法似往年一様到美南新聞廣場向大家拜年不過他特別録製了一段祝賀新春之視頻在昨晚播出



過去一年我們曾經面對新冠疫情之肆虐許多商家因而倒閉 所幸新政府上任之後大力推動防疫工作確診人數已大幅下降加上拜登政府為社會帶來祥和氛圍我們一定能共體時艱 為経濟復甦抵抗病毒共同努力

Music Brings The Peace

This is the first time we have sponsored the 25th Annual Texas International Lunar Festival on the internet and social media. Many people around the world were able to watch our program through YouTube, Facebook and many other social media platforms.

The almost two and one-half hours show included a lot of local and world famous musicians and performers who displayed their talents to the millions in the audience who greatly enjoyed their performances.

We really appreciate the contributions of our producer Gao Xiao Huey, artist Lucy Tung, Chen Lan-Hung and Wang Lian. Their world-class program made our show so successful.

Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner also sent us a video message and called me personally to congratulate me on the program and wished me a Happy Lunar New Year. Congressman Al Green also sent a message to our community.

2020 was a year full of so much tragedy. Many of us lost businesses and family members. Even now we are still fighting for survival. We are so glad the new administration is working so hard to fight the coronavirus. We are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel now.