大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 02/13/2021
我見 我思 我聞
美國前駐聯合國大使前南卡羅納州長海利今天公開批判前總統川普,他不應該再競選公職 ,因為他的行為会让共和黨衰落,尤其在國會彈劾案中,由民主党在庭上提出的有關一月六日之事證,她相信川普之行徑會被歷史來定奪。
如果川普掦言要組黨, 那是民主黨樂意看到共和黨之分裂,可以預見未來要重新執政, 短期內是不可能 ,因此,許多有意大位的共和党人只有盡快劃清界線,自求多福了。
Allies Leaving Trump
Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, “after waiting and watching,” said, “Trump will be judged harshly by history.” She said that she is truly concerned about Trump’s negative impact on the GOP. She wants to run for president in 2024.
This interview comes out just after the House impeachment managers concluded their case in the Senate impeachment trial to prove Trump’s long stoking of resentment and hate that bubbled over on January 6.
The Republican Party is facing big challenges now. Many of them want to run for president in the future but they will face a political dilemma. Trump has claimed he might organize a new party. If that is the case, Republicans will be divided in the future. The chance to keep the power is very slim.
We all hope that the trial in the Senate will be finished as soon as possible. The Biden administration still has so many urgent matters to take care of. Specially, the coronavirus pandemic and finalizing the stimulus package. Many people are waiting for help from the government.