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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 01/19/2021

大俠行天下日記  我見我聞我思 01/19/2021

我見 我聞 我思


百年罕見的風雪, 近日橫掃德州大地,這兩天來, 德州最大城休斯敦正遭受著冰雪的蹂躝 ,美南新聞廣場上的LED 屏漆黑了,大楼前的噴水池也凝固成了小型冰雕, 隣近的中國城已經兩天沒有開市 ,因為地區內的電力已經中斷了。


德州州艾伯特和各市市長對此也無可奈何,据說是主要發電廠被結凍了,無法供電,由於沒有電力供應, 每家𥚃的暖氣、電視、 電燈 、手機全部停擺。

德州休斯敦号稱是世界能源之都,每年五月舉辦世界能源大會, 數十萬從業人員及能源公司聚集一堂 ,是世界上最大的能源大會, 令人不解和諷刺的是 ----休斯敦既然缺電了。


一年來,我們真是禍不單行,病毒、 停電、 停水、 歇業, 這是多麼可怕的埸景, 何況是在世界強國的美國?

We Are Out Of Power In The Energy Capital Of The World

More than 22 million people across the southern states were under a hard freeze early this week. In the meantime, the electricity shortage has broadened to encompass food, water and health crises. Since last week 16 Texans have died from the winter storm.

Since Monday morning the Southern News compound was in the dark without water and power. Our outside LED sign had no power and no picture, the water fountain had frozen over and the whole Chinatown and International District area had closed down for business.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott continued to slam the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) for what he says was a failure to prepare the state for the winter storm.

This storm has left thousands freezing in the dark without running water.

This is a shame that while we live in America, we also live in the energy capital of the world-Houston.