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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 03/05

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 03/05


德州州長向州民宣稱 : “我們已經不需要政府支配我們的生活了” 這是多麼令人迷惑及豪放的一句話



我們十分擔憂德州之開放行動是否為全國防疫工作帶來負面之影響這還牽扯上會有許多人因而會喪命 德州可否在疫情中獨善其身 中央和地方如此不同調豈可能面對嚴峻之挑戰?

Can We Survive?

Governor Abbott is opening up the state to end the masks mandate and will allow all businesses to open up next Wednesday. He still urges residents to take precaution, but he said, “Texans no longer need government running our lives.”

Abbott said we are marked at the lowest positivity rate and number of hospitalizations since October. Over 50% of Texans age 65 and older have received at least one vaccine shot. All the metrics are moving in the right direction. People need to go back to normalcy, especially for our kids and schools, while at the same time making sure that people continue to follow the best practices.

Abbott added that we no longer need the government running our lives. Instead, he said,  everybody must continue to assume their own individual responsibility to take the actions that we have already mastered to make sure that they will not be contracting COVID-19.

We are very concerned whether or not the actions of the State of Texas will be harmful to its citizens as well as to the rest of nation.

We just cannot be isolated from the rest of the country. We all love our freedom within a government order, but if we can’t work together, we might face yet another battle.