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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 03/09

大俠行天下日記  我見我聞我思 03/09

我見 我聞 我思


剛出爐的民調顯示,角逐紐約市長的華裔候選人楊安澤以百分之三十二之民意在五位候選人中居領先地位, 他的對手包括企業界、 前統計局長、 紐約市長助理等。


早在兩年多前,他參選美總統民主黨候選人,曾經多次造訪休斯敦 ,他的主要政見是如果他選上總統 將給每一個國民每月發放一千美金, 這種撒錢的政見 得到許多窮人之大力支持, 在過去二年多之競選活動中,他既然能和其他候選人平起平坐,雖然未能如願,但也是雖敗猶榮。

楊安澤是道地的ABC,在美國出生的華裔第二代,在他身上我們可以看到他品學兼優,吃苦耐, 和處世和睦之一面,他要在紐約戰勝市長之戰,所面臨之挑戰可想而知。


We Support Andrew Yang’s Run For Mayor Of New York

In the first WPIX-Tv poll of the New York mayoral race, Chinese American Andrew Yang leads the crowded Democratic primary with 32% of the Democratic votes.

Other candidates in the race include Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, former counsel to Mayor DeBlasio, and NYC Comptroller Scott Stringer.

We are so proud and happy that Andrew Yang has become the first Asian American to run for mayor of the world’s greatest city - New York City.

A couple of years ago Andrew Yang visited Houston when he was in the Democratic Presidential race. We were getting together in our community to support him and he promised that if he became president he would give all the citizens one thousand dollars every month. His proposal was welcomed by a lot of voters. In the primary race, he was able to stay in the race until the last stage. Even through he could not make it to the top, his fight was glorious and we are so very proud of him.

Andrew Yang is an ABC (American Born Chinese). According to his family background, he was a good student with a hard-working character and a very friendly attitude. He represented a new generation of Asian Americans. We all need to support his fight for the mayor’s race in New York City.