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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 03/11

大俠行天下日記  我見我聞我思 03/11

我見 我思 我聞


让我們籌組美南傳媒APP 大家庭


美南新聞傳媒將配合華亞裔及主流社區之客戶,重啟我們新媒體之服務大門,將透過我們的美南新聞網站,大型LED 屏、YouTube臉書、抖音、Instagram、西瓜視頻、微信公眾號,來結合美南日報、美南電視、美南黃頁、美南英文日報之客戶,推出各種優惠套餐,並將為商家製作短视頻,工商新聞報導,全方位把社区新聞及商家资訊傳遞在彈指之間的手機及平板電腦上。

美南新聞並且已在google上設有APP,希望透過刷二維碼,共同加入美南新聞傳媒之大家庭 共亨資訊,守望相助。


Join Our Media Family On The SNG APP

Starting today, all of Texas is open for business. Some people might not agree with the governor’s decision, but for a lot of business owners, it represents a better tomorrow.

Southern News Media Group will definitely open our door to serve our community with a whole new media platform including our big screen LED, YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, daily news, TV and yellow pages and give help to our clients to produce TV short films for the social media so all of the readers in our audience can read and watch our programs and news right on their cell phones.

We are also creating a new APP through Google and all the people will be able to join in and become a part of the big “Southern News family.”

We feel very proud and excited to be connected to all our friends and readers on a new platform and using the newest digital devices to serve our customers for many years to come.