大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 03/12

我見 我思 我聞
美國疾病專家福其在新冠疫情發生後的週年談話中,非常傷感地說,我真的沒有料到 美國有五十三萬多人喪失了寶貴生命, 雖然當初我預期會非常嚴重,但是也想不到會如此悲慘。
為什麼美國如此強大的國家,因病毒而不堪一擊,我們對於國家領導人之任性感到萬般遺憾, 聯邦和地方之不協調,個人之自私自利,多少人在悲慘之生活中掙扎。
Better Days Are Ahead
One year after WHO declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic, Dr. Anthony Fauci told a reporter that there could be an unprecedented fight to stop the virus. He never imagined at the time that we would lose more than one-half million lives in our country.
It has now been just over a year now that we as a media company have witnessed so many tragedies in our community and all over the nation. Many people have not only lost their loved ones, but many of them have also lost their businesses and all their life’s work and savings.
Up until today many people still don’t understand how a strong nation like America just couldn’t fight this battle and have so many losses in our country.
A year later most of the nation is open for business. We all hope the pandemic is under control. We want to see students go back to school. People can go back to work and grandparents can visit their grand kids again. Finally, life can get back to normal.
President Biden just spoke to the nation. He promised that before May 1, all the people over 18 will be vaccinated.
Thank you Mr. President. We really appreciate what you have done for us.