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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 03/22

大俠行天下日記  我見我聞我思 03/22



這是新冠疫情以來,過去一年已經有超過四千件對亞裔攻擊及仇视之事件,包括三月十六日在亞特蘭大一名白人兇手以亂槍掃射打死了八名市民其中六位是韓裔,這名二十一殘忍兇手以自己是色情魔之藉口才下此毒手,但是 我們決不相信這是唯一之理由,它一定有對亞裔歧視之潛在原因。






Stop Asian Hate Vigil & Rally

Just last Saturday the Asian groups in the Houston area hosted a rally at Houston’s Downtown Discovery Green on the Grace Events Lawn. My news team and I attended this sad event with many Asians in the Houston area in attendance.

We heard a lot of community leaders and politicians making speeches and expressing their outrage about the murders in Atlanta, Georgia, where six of the eight victims were Asian Americans. Even though President Biden and Vice President Harris went there to try and comfort our community, the fundamental problem is still there.

When we look back, the political situation in our country and our race issues are related to our leaders and economic conditions. Because of the pandemic, many working class people lost their jobs which created a special poor class in the country. The political elite and a few of the wealthy class were in control of our society. Now more and more poor people are suffering at the bottom of our society.

Today our community as a minority is facing the whole economic downturn directly. Many radical groups use us as a scapegoat. They are blaming Asians as the ones who are stealing their jobs and brought the virus to America.

This is a very sad time. We all need to be united. We also need to depend on the wisdom of our leader to lead us to the brighter tomorrow.