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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 03/26

大俠行天下日記  我見我聞我思 03/26

我見 我聞 我思


 曾經參加過民主黨總統提名大選的亞裔楊安澤在他败選後曾經說過「我們亞裔美國人要以前所未有之方式來展示我們作為美國人的品質。」 這個令人深省的感言,让他決心在紐約市長竞选中奮力一戰。


 曾經走過千山萬水的楊安澤,他以另類之政見羸得了不少的掌聲和選票,但是他還是敗下阵來, 我們見到他的堅定毅力,再次出馬參選紐約市長,他的參選代表我們生活在美國的亞裔族群,更彰顯了我們可以成為世界第一城的掌舵人。



We Need To Give Andrew Yang Full Our Support

Asian American Andrew Yang attended the Democratic presidential convention and after the convention Mr. Yang wrote, “We as Asian Americans need to try our best to represent our American charter.” This word really mean a lot for our Asian community.

In the last several years, from my experience in politics, we saw many politicians speaking up and down about what makes them successful are two important issues.   One is vote, one other is money. Without these two elements they can’t be a success.

We witness that Andrew Yang went through some very rough times and traveled hundreds of thousands of miles in his campaign. Even though he lost, Mr. Yang stood back and decided to run for mayor of the biggest city in the world, New York City.      We applaud what he is doing, not only for himself, but also for our Asian community.

Today our nation is facing a very tough time, including hate crime in our community.   We need to have somebody to stand up and speak out for our justice and our hope.

All of us need to give our full support to Andrew Yang, not just for the vote, but also need to donate money to make sure he can become mayor. His success will represent how Asians can contribute to our nation.