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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 03/29

大俠行天下日記  我見我聞我思 03/29

我見 我聞 我思



一年來難挨的日子,我們大家都體驗過了,我們號稱全球最強大的國家,近百分之十的國民確診新冠病毒,五十多萬人失去了寶貴生命,多少人的父母兄弟親友們在痛苦哀傷之中,餐桌上少了一個親人,一些熟悉的笑聲再也聽不到,這場浩劫奪走了人們的希望 ......



各位親愛的弟兄姊妹們,我們大家一定要撑住,我們一定要共同來支持愛護和參與社區和國家的公共事務,決不可置身事外,因為這𥚃就是我們的家園, 多少人奉獻了自已的青春才幹和年華。


辛丑年 於休斯敦

Welcome Spring And New Hope

We are here to formally welcome the springtime. Last month because of the snow storm our favorite kumquat tree and azaleas are almost gone. Only the plum tree is still alive in my garden. My gardener told me that they might come back some day. We really hope they will bloom again in the near future.

For the whole of last year we were really suffering. In every corner of our nation more that ten percent of our people were confirmed with the coronavirus and more than one-half million citizens lost their lives. They were our friends, parents, brothers and sisters. It is such a shame when we claim to be the richest country in the world that this virus just got out of control. Many families were left with empty seats at the dinner table because they lost their love ones. Many people lost their jobs and lost their lifestyles Such a tragedy has brought our nation into the dark.

On January 20 we finally changed the leadership in the White House. President Biden kept his promise to get 100 million people vaccinated within fifty days. Most of our citizens will get vaccinated before May 1 of this year.

Finally, we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, but now another wave of anti-Asian discrimination cases have spread all over our country and that has made our community feeling very unsafe.

My dear brothers and sisters, most of us came to this land with new hope and we spent our whole lives and talent to help build this great nation. This is our home.

All of us need to hold our hands together and be united. We are looking for a brighter future. One day our Azaleas and Kumquats will blossom again.