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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 04/28

大俠行天下日記  我見我聞我思 04/28

我見 我思 我聞



根據人口普查局之數據,全國人口超過了三億三千一百萬,包括柯羅拉多、佛羅里達 蒙他納 、北卡羅䒹納及奧立崗州,因人口增加可多出一位眾議員,而加州、伊利諾 、紐約、 俄亥俄 、賓州及西維基尼亞州因人口減少而會失去一席眾議員席位,此次普查報告顯示 ,全國政政勢力正從中西及西北地區轉移到南部及西部。

二O二〇年時之人口普查工作曾經遭受到新冠疫情、森林大火風災及種族暴動之重創,能在如此艱難之困境下完成, 實屬不易。

我們非常慶幸德州在此次普查中脱穎而出,主要還是德州地大物博 ,多年來一直堅持沒有州稅之政策 ,加上土地取得便宜, 大專院校林立 ,因此多年來不斷有新居民遷入, 幫助工商業發達之原因。

Texas Becomes The Second Largest State In America

Texas is the new superpower in America. With the new census, Texas will gain two seats in Congress with 38 seats and 40 Electoral College votes. The six states gaining House seats are Texas, Florida, Colorado, Montana, Oregon and North Carolina. Since the 2000 census Texas has gained eight seats while Florida has gained five and Arizona and Georgia picked up three each.

The results really show that political power in the country is shifting from states in the Midwest and Northwest to those in the south and west.

The 2020 census brought unprecedented challenges including a global pandemic, wildfires, civil unrest and hurricanes. With all of these events happening at the same time, it was not easy to conduct the census.

We are so glad and proud that Texas became the second largest state in the nation. There are many reasons for this. We are a state that is very friendly to business. We don’t have a state tax and with the very reasonable cost of land, it is very good for businesses to grow.

We also have very rich natural resources and energy with many ports and airports. Texas makes one of the international states to connect to the rest of the world.

We as Texans welcome people from all over the world to come and join us in this wonderful land.