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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 05/08

大俠行天下日記  我見我聞我思 05/08

我見 我思 我聞



當我懂事時我和家人是生活在一個偏遠的中緬小鎮上我總記得在沒有水和電的落後鄕鎮上, 對於一位年輕又曾在家鄉執教的音樂老師而言,她在一㘯巨大的變局中而成了流浪天涯的遊客我總是看見她挑水做飯和在孤燈下縫補舊衣的身影但是我的母親她從未透露或講述她的过去總算在她離開家鄉二十五年後我們陪她回到了她童年時的故鄉當大批親友好友們共聚在外婆家诺大的古宅前許多早已年過古稀的鄉親們大聲歡呼說: “趙老師回來了 我第一次看到母親在帶有驕傲的笑容中留下了熱淚在無情的坎坷歲月中她當年神彩飞掦的少女歲月和容顏早已不在但她那股能屈能伸的坚韧精神讓我對她無比敬佩和感動。






~ Our Mom ~

Celebrating Mother's Day

Almost five years ago our mom passed away in Washington, D.C. When we are here celebrating Mother's Day without her, we feel a kind of sadness and still remember her every day.

When I was a teenager our family lived in a small town nearby the China and Burma border. This poor town had no water and no electricity. I remember mom was the one who went to the water well and got water and cooked a meal for the whole family. When she was a young adult mom was a music teacher in her hometown. Almost twenty-five years later I was with my mom when we visited her hometown again. A lot of people still called out, “our teacher is coming back!” Suddenly I saw tears come rolling down her cheeks, but with a very proud smile. Mom had never told us about her teaching career before.

After a long journey, we finally came to America. Mom spent a lot of time with my sisters in Dallas and Washington D.C. Every time when I visited her she prepared a home-cooked meal and always played a flute to entertain the whole family. She loved music and became a music teacher.

In the past several years mom spent a very joyful time with the whole family. She always would tell us that we needed to fight for our future. As an old saying goes, “When you see the mountain, we need to open the road. When you see the water, you need to build a bridge.”

We are so very proud that we had such a wonderful mom to set the example for our future.

Today we all celebrate Mother's Day. Everybody has their own story about their mother. We all should feel they are the greatest.