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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 06/04

大俠行天下日記  我見我聞我思 06/04

我見 我思 我聞




今天世界所面臨之疫苗荒,是希望所有能生產的國家要如何以最快方式來加緊生產疫苗,立即支援受災之世界各地 ,希望那些已經購买了大量疫苗之國家,把多餘之厙存轉让到急需之地區。



New Variant Will Bring A Horrible World

New evidence now shows that the COVID variant discovered in India is causing the deadliest surges around the world.

In countries like the USA and Great Britain, the current vaccines appear to defend recipients well against the severe effects of the new variants. But for the rest of the world, the variants are highly transmissible and could be catastrophic.

Covalent, the Global Alliance For Vaccine Equity, does not have enough vaccines to distribute. Nepal, The Philippines and Nigeria may face supplemental oxygen shortages on the kind of levels like have happened in India.

We are urging all the countries that have extra vaccines to give some of their surplus to other nations in need. Like all the pandemics, this one will lead to millions, maybe even billions of people being infected or even lose their lives.

Even today in Vietnam and Taiwan, the people are all suffering because of a shortage of vaccine.