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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思06/17

大俠行天下日記  我見我聞我思06/17

我見 我聞 我思


四十多年來,從傳統的鋁版到5G智能時代之呈現, 科技改變了世界,天氣變化也為人類帶來災難。

作為一個媒體人,我們主要的使命和任務是在向社會傳達真實的訊息, 是為社會正義和公正公平而戰, 让那些生活在社會低層的人,傳達他們的吶喊聲音。


好友現任休大商學院教授羅地索早年曾在赫斯特集團之休斯敦紀事報及舊金山紀事報擔任發行人,他终生献身於媒體事業,他的一句名言是:我們血液中也淌著油墨。” 在他主政之時代,紀事報日進斗金,也是紙媒最輝煌的時代。

隨着網路時代的來臨,新媒體變為自媒體,大屏幕缩成了小屏幕,如果赶不上時代變遷之列車, 必然被掃進了歷史中。



Our Blood Vessels Are Full Of Ink 

Since 1979 Southern News Group has experienced the change from traditional typesetting to the high-tech digital technology. The internet age has changed our world, but in the meantime, climate change has also brought disaster around the globe.

As news media people our main duty is to bring the news to the people. The general public needs to know the truth. The people at the bottom of society need to have a voice. Many people complain about why there is so much negative coverage and crime news on the TV, in newspapers and online. Regrettably, readers are always willing to read the inciteful and bloody news.

My dear friend Mr. Gary Randazzo once said that we as newspaper men have ink in our blood vessels. Gary dedicated his whole career to the newspaper industry. His success story made huge amounts of money for the Hearst corporation.

Times are changing. These days, from the big screen to the small screen, everybody can now create their own stage. Huge amounts of information and digital technology has changed our society in so many ways.

We are very proud that in the last forty-two years we have never lost sight of our mission. As a community media group with coverage from newspaper to the internet to television, we always follow in the footsteps of the new technology.

We also want to show our appreciation to our working team who always devote their hard-working spirit that makes our group stand strong and tall.