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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 06/19

大俠行天下日記  我見我聞我思 06/19

我見 我思 我聞

房價物價上掦 生活品質下降

遠在柯羅拉多州春田市的一個舊房,室內到處是塗鴉 ,裝璜陣舊不堪,要價六十萬, 還有人搶著要用現金支付,使得经紀人不敢相信。

近年來,由于特斯拉領頭遷入德州奧斯汀,眾多來自加州人口大量湧入德州,房地產十分火爆, 加上近月來的木材建材價格上漲,房價居高不下,而且已是供不應求,建商無房可建。




All Prices Are Going Up 

In Colorado Springs, Colorado, a dilapidated house full of dirt with profane graffiti on almost every wall has the asking price of $600,000. The real estate salesman was very surprised that some people still want to buy it with cash money. 

In Texas, after many companies have moved to the state, house prices sky-rocketed. In Austin, Texas, some houses have already doubled in price. The problem is that all the building materials have gone up in price, especially lumber which has tripled in price since last year. 

After the federal relief bill was passed, many people spent their money and all the basic goods went up at least twenty percent. 

President Biden wants to pass the infrastructure bill in Congress to gain employment and stimulate the whole economy. But in the meantime, inflation is already here. 

Today we can’t just print more money to help the economy. Our basic problem is to balance the nation’s budget.