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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 06/28

大俠行天下日記  我見我聞我思 06/28

我見 我思 我聞


對社會服務是當前青年們對社區的責任和義務,上週末一群亞裔青年在扶輪社的組織下 來到了休斯敦國際區內的公園,舉辦了一場淸掃和愛護社區的活動,這項定名為蓮花社的青年團體,他們有感於目前對亞裔仇視之社會現象,造成社會種族對立, 他們希望走進社區,來緩減對亞裔仇恨之現象。





Awakening Of Asian American Young People

A group of young Asians led by Nguyen T. Nguyen got together last week at Arthur Storey Park which is located in the International District. These young Asian Americans planned to organize a Lotus Club. They want to show their love and service to the local community.

As chairman of the International District, I came to join them, not just to appreciate their effort to clean up the park, but also to promise them we will work with them very closely to create more activities and beautify the park. From the Harris County Parks Department our good friend, Mr. Steve Dorman, also joined us to thank all the local civic groups that have been working with the County and sponsoring a lot of events, including the Lunar New Year festival.

We also appreciate the Rotary Club that also has joined as a big sponsor for our community events. Many members of the club have been important leaders and they always think about our community.

Today we have many Asian American that know how to serve our community well, especially during the pandemic period. They have donated their time and money to try and help those who need it the most.

We all worry about the hate crimes in our society. We hope all the younger generation will understand that we all need to work together. After all, we are all in the same family.