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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 07/09

大俠行天下日記  我見我聞我思 07/09



 德州州長艾伯特在十天內就募到政治捐款一千八百萬元,到目前為止, 他已經有五千五百萬元的競選基金,這對於他要競選連任,無疑是吃了棵定心丸。

 艾伯特在一項聲明中說,這項募款之成功代表了州民對八十七屆議會之支持, 截至目前為止, 還沒有民主黨人宣布對州長之挑戰。

 德州近年來在艾伯特州長之大力推動下, 許多跨國企業紛紛遷入, 尤其是來自加州之高科技産業 ,其中有諸多因素。

 德州地大人稀,土地價格便宜 ,許多大城市都沒有都市計劃之嚴格規定, 商業住宅都可以規劃在一起。

 德州沒有州所得稅,換言之, 在加州每個人之所得先就被扣稅。


 成為美國除阿拉斯加外最大的一州,我們真是有用不盡的土地和能源, 並有完善之港口機場, 我們預期德州是未來美國之星。


Governor Raised Big Money

In just ten days Governor Abbott raised more than $18.7 million for his 2022 reelection campaign.

Abbott’s campaign said that up to now they have $55 million in cash in hand.

In a statement the governor said, “Our record-breaking fundraising period is a testament to the success of the 87th legislative session and paints a clear picture of what matters most to Texans: freedom, opportunity and economic prosperity.” 

Under Governor Abbott’s administration, Texas has tried to attract more big businesses, especially from California.

The simple reason is that in Texas we don’t have personal income taxes like many states including California.

We are the largest state in the nation except for Alaska. Our land is cheaper than many states and in some of our cities, we don’t have zoning laws.

In the last several years, Texas has become one the best states to attend a good college and many schools now produce top high-tech graduates.

In Texas we have the best seaports and airport in the country and Houston, the Energy Capital of the World.

With many good economic strengths to offer indicates that Texas will become a star attraction very soon.