大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 07/10

自從上週三海地總統莫亦茲被暴徒槍殺之後,這個加勒比海島國陷入一個無政府之窘境,總理約瑟夫在總統去世之後呼籲全國人民保持冷靜,試圖向世界及國人保證,國家情勢在控制之中, 其實他的領導地位並未得到法律之授權。
Haiti’s Power Vacuum
There is no more Parliament, no president or courts in Haiti, the Caribbean nation, after their President Moise was assassinated. The small island country is now fearful of widespread political violence.
The interim Prime Minister Claude Joseph called on the people to stay calm as the police and army were controlling the situation.
Haiti, once a slave colony, won its independence from France after slaves revolted and defeated French forces in 1803. But in the last two centuries, Haiti has struggled through cycles of dictatorships and coups and did little for their people.
When the 2010 earthquake hit the county, almost $10 billion in assistance was sent to Haiti from around the world. But the money did not set the country on new paths. Instead, most of the funds went to corrupt officials.
Today the Haitian people are fed up with the government corruption and rising crime rate. These days Haiti remains the only country in the Western Hemisphere that has not received any coronavirus vaccine.
This is a very sad situation being the poorest country in the world.
Because the country is located in America’s backyard, the United States of America is ready to help this poor country. But President Biden needs to do it in a smart way. Otherwise, we are going to dig into another foreign war again.