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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 07/24

大俠行天下日記  我見我聞我思 07/24

百方支援 河南挺住

百年難見的暴雨 冲進了中國大陸中原地區河南省, 鄭州 、洛阳、焦作、 許昌等全省各地汪洋一片地鐵下傳來的呼救, 良田被毀,  房屋倒塌, 死傷嚴重, 各地告急。

旅居德州各地的河南同鄕和華人社區領袖已經召開緊急會議, 立即開展捐獻活動, 以最快速度參加救災義舉。

我們雖然身在海外,但是對於河南水災造成之災難如同身受, 大家這種自動自發之捐献行動 代表了對家鄕和同胞之最高情誼。

中美兩國有著長期不斷的感情, 近半世紀來, 來自中國大陸的華人不斷增加, 對美國各行各業做出重大貢獻, 我們不要顧慮政客們之荒謬言論 ,他們絕對無法阻擋兩國人民之交流。

我們非常樂見由華人社團人士發起的救援活動, 希望廣大同胞伸出援手, 發揮我中華民族樂善好施的美德, 要河南挺住, 我們為抗洪救災共同努力。

Chinese-Americans Donate To Henan Floods

Torrential rains have battered Henan providence since last weekend. At least 33 people have died and eight more are missing in central China.

Following the rain, entire neighborhoods were submerged and many people were trapped in subway passages caused by landslides that overwhelmed dams and rivers.

According to the authorities, the catastrophe has caused almost $190M U.S. dollars in economic damage and displaced hundreds of thousands of people in the region.

The City of Zhengzhou is one of the worst hit areas. During the evening rush hour last Tuesday, hundreds of subway passengers were trapped in the rising water as murky torrents gushed into tunnel.

We were so glad to hear that many Chinese community leaders from Dallas and Houston have already started a rescue effort try and donate money to help the victims.

In the last several decades, many Chinese immigrants and students came to the United States. Their contributions to this country have been so great, not only in business, but also in many other fields including scientific, medical, financial and academic disciplines. We are all so proud they became a part of this great nation. In the meantime, we never will forget our roots, our culture and where we came from..

This is the time we all need to be united to help our brothers and sisters when they all need help in this time of emergency.