大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 07/26

上週在网上參加了華府國際領袖基金會舉辦的「2021 年企業與領䄂高峰會 」,聆聽了諸多華亞裔政商界代表之高見,在前交通部長趙小蘭之主持下和韓裔兩位國會眾議員對談, 從她們在艱難處境中走進國會殿堂的心歴路程。
今天,我們眼看國際領袖基金會已經得到民主共和兩黨之認同,無數的年青學子有機會進入聯邦政府实習,多少的座談年會在首都華盛頓展示了亞裔之實力,我們要為董會長熱烈鼓掌外, 並呼籲大家給予大力支持。
The Road to Recovery Is Moving Forward
It was the most successful ILF’s Virtual Business and Leadership Conference since 2020. Many in the AANHPI community have faced challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic and also from anti-Asian violence and hate crimes.
Former Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao was the keynote speaker of the dialogue along with two Korean-American congresswomen, Young Kim and Michelle Steel who shared their hard journey to the U.S. Congress.
U.S. Trade Representative Ambassador Kathrine Tai, Congresswomen Judy Chu and Grace Meng were among the speakers who discussed the future of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. All of the topics were so important for us especially in this very difficult time.
The International Leadership Foundation was founded by Ms. Chiling Tong many years ago. She was the one who really went all over the country to try and convince people to give their support to the foundation. In the last several years, the ILF has not just brought in a lot of young Asians who want to work in the federal government as interns, but also those that desire to build a very strong bridge between Asian businesses and government to help many of them to become successful businesses.
We really admire Chiling Tong’s hard work and wish ILF continuing success in serving our community. We all need to support this organization.