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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 07/28

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 07/28


前總統川普再次支持德州現任檢察長帕登競選連任 而放棄對布希家族之支持 川普在一項聲明中指出 帕登強烈支持邊界築牆 反暴力和支持憲法精神

布希家族長期來就和川普不和 這位老布希總統的孫子小小布希宣布他將參選州檢察長一職 但是他在二O一六年及二OO年都曾支持共和黨的川普一直不斷參選總統 小布希目前是德州土地局局長 他被視為共和黨明日之星 他的父親曾任佛羅里達州州長 祖父曾任美國總統 其生母是墨西哥裔 對他在政治上是一大助力

德州仍然是共和黨之地盤川普對德州仍然有很大的影響力 但是現任檢察總長因証券醜聞正在接受聯邦調查局調查中

美國新政府雖上任不到七個月 全國各地已有彌漫政治氣氛 川普一直不斷煽風點火 繼續在各地募款希望東山再起

小小布希是布希家族的政治火苗 他是否獲勝是是否可延續政治香火的指標

Trump Snubs Bush In Texas Politics

Former President Donald Trump has endorsed Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton in his re-election bid and refuses to support the Bush family.

In a statement Trump said, “Ken is strong on crime, border security, the Second Amendment, Election Integrity and above all, our Constitution. He is a true Texan who will keep Texas safe.”

George P. Bush, who is the current Texas Land Commissioner, will run for Attorney General. He is the son of Jeb Bush, nephew of former President George W. Bush and the grandson of President George H.W. Bush.

Trump still continues to influence Texas politics and Paxton, an ally of Trump, has been state attorney general since 2015 and led a 20-state challenge against the Affordable Care Act.

He is currently under an FBI investigation for securities fraud.

The Bush and Trump families have clashed over the years, including the 2016 presidential primary when Governor Jeb Bush was running for the Republican presidential nomination.

This is a political test for the Bush family in Texas. Young Bush is considered a rising star in the Republican Party.