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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 08/13

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 08/13


就任已經超過半年的拜登政府 除了苦戰新冠病毒之外 他所面臨之兩大挑戰就是通過基建方案和從阿富汗撤軍

在白宮草坪上 拜登總統和他民主黨同僚非常高興地宣布參院能以六十七票通過一萬二千萬億的基建預算案 為美國経濟殺出一條血路雖然尚待眾院通過 應該不是問題 這也是拜登總統就職以來最大的一次勝利

然而從阿富汗撤軍就是個非常嚴重的事情了 這項舉動曾經在奧巴馬及川時代要進行都沒有成功 他們都怕阿富汗撤軍後會影響到自己的政治前途而作罷 只有拜登下定決心 要把美國從過去二十年的泥沼中撤出 全面撤軍結束美國在亞洲最後一場戰役

不幸的是 反叛軍塔力班可能就在六十天左右攻佔阿富汗首都卡布而重返執政 種種跡象顕示 塔力班重返執政是遅早之事 如果有如一九七五年美軍撤除越南西貢直昇機吊起難民的景象再度出現 將是對美國及拜登總統之極大傷害 也再次證明美國軍事行動之底失敗

七十八歲的拜登總統仍要日理萬機 他可能是華府最年長又最繁忙的人了

I Am In The Nation’s Capital

President Biden’s huge infrastructure spending and withdrawal from Afghanistan are both big challenges for the new administration.

The Senate passage of the bipartisan $1.2 trillion traditional infrastructure package was a huge win for Biden. A companion $3.5 trillion budget could reshape the economy and American society by funding the home care community, college tuition and climate initiatives. As Biden said, “I am committed to making sure that our historic economic recovery this time reaches everyone and eases the burden on working families, not just this year, but for the years to come.” Such a bright future for all of us.

But if withdrawing the troops from Afghanistan becomes ever more alarming and increases the likelihood of a Taliban takeover, it may be seen by foreign foes as a weakening of U.S. power.

Today, the Taliban has now seized nine provincial capitals and it is just a matter of time until they will take over the nation’s capital. It will end a democratic dream with the blood of many U.S. troops.

If one day an equivalent photo of U.S. helicopters leaving Saigon in 1975 are seen coming out of Kabul, it could become emblematic of Biden’s presidency.

Today in Washington DC, our 78-year-old president is a very busy man.