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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 08/19

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 08/19

我見 我聞 我思


當塔利班攻佔總統府前 阿富汗總統加尼攜帶四大箱美鈔出逃 ,成千上萬的阿富汗人衝進了機場跑道爬上美國軍機的機翼,在飞機起飛時,许多人從空中墜落而身亡, 這個令人震驚而殘酷的畫面 ,再次顯示二十年來美國在阿富汗之戰爭猝然落幕

進城接收政權的塔利班官員稍後發表聲明,對平民做出安全保証, 並促請他們留下, 但是從首都堵塞的汽車和機場之擁擠看出人民之深度恐慌和絶望

正當拜登總統企圖重整美國在國際舞台的威望時, 阿富汗撤軍及塔利班勢如破竹之勝利, 重創了美國在世界上之信譽, 不論拜登總統如何解釋 ,情報機構之失誤造成撒退時之大亂局, 致使前朝政敵有大力攻擊之機會


我們要非常坦率的指出, 自從奧巴馬總統執政以來,美國已經稹極進行從全球撒軍之行動, 包括在川普總統任內已經和塔利班進行談判, 就美國國內目前的民調而言, 絕大部分民眾都反對繼續犧牲自己的子弟兵去捍衛其他國家和地區, 不幸的是, 拜登總統因為情報欠準而未能撤除相關人士而演變得不可收

Lesson For America In Afghanistan

Hundreds of Afghan people ran alongside an American C-17 cargo plane and some tried to climb into the wheel wells or cling to the side of the planes. American military officials confirmed some Afghans were killed either by being crushed by the plane or by falling down to their death.

Thousands of people camped out through the night. Many of them were employees of international organizations and media companies who had been targeted by the Taliban who feared for their lives.

In Kabul, people began tearing down an advertisement that showed a woman without a head scarf for fear of upsetting the Taliban as police officers changed into civilian clothes and tried to flee.

The sudden withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan after twenty years will really affect the rest of the American allies who will now have to doubt the United States’ ability and leadership in the world.

After the collapse of Afghanistan, many people worry about the new flow of migrants and the new safe haven for terrorism, much like Turkey which is already hosting nearly four million Syrian refugees.

Afghanistan’s rapid fall has already damaged U.S. credibility. The Afghans are now forced to live under religious tyranny and the school door may be closed for the girls of the country again.

Many people believed President Biden made the right decision to exit the war that the United States could never win. The process to withdraw was chaotic and now been partially blamed on wrong intelligence reports.

We very much regret to say that many people have to suffer because of the wrong decisions made by politicians.