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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 08/28

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 08/28

我見 我聞 我思


ISIS-k 組織發動自殺炸彈攻擊, 喀布爾機場造成十三名美軍死亡及數百名阿富汗人死重傷之慘劇,拜登總統事後誓言將會進行報復, 他也將分別致電給傷亡的美軍家屬表示慰問和哀悼。

正當美軍撤除阿富汗之最後期限即將到來之時, 美國是在塔力班之協助下在完成這項撒僑工作, 雖然美國不相信塔力班, 但是為了對付ISIS 之攻擊 ,這個不幸事件還是發生了。

根據聯合國發表之報告, 自2015 年以來, ISIS K 之自殺攻擊造成了全球各地重大傷亡, 单就今年頭四個月他們就發動了七十七次的攻擊行動。

阿富汗之悲劇並非是在本月底前結束 ,各國對阿富汗之未來 ,仍然有許多尚待立即面對之問題, 其中包括塔力班是否可能全面撐握政局, 如何保護阿富汗人之安全, 繼續對恐佈份子之作戰, 對難民如何安置等問題。

美國在经過二十年及消耗巨額支援物資之後 ,還是決定撤退, 曾經參與戰爭的盟邦對此決定都表示異議, 但是這場沒有结果也無法取得勝利的戰爭, 對美國而言也是無奈的選擇。

我們要對阿富汗之失敗記起教訓 ,戰爭不是唯一解決之道 ,拜登總統面對國會兩黨之髙度質疑, 如果情勢繼續惡化 ,對民主黨將是重大之傷害。

Kabul Is Still In Chaos

President Biden plans to call the families of the thirteen U.S. service members who were killed near the Kabul airport. In a statement the president said, “My heart aches for you. And I know this--we have a continuing obligation to all of you, the families of those heroes. That obligation is not temporary--it lasts forever.”

A group called ISIS-k claimed they are responsible for the deadly bombing attack outside the Kabul airport on Thursday that killed thirteen U.S. troops and more than 90 Afghans.

According to the United Nations, this group has launched 77 attacks just in the first four months of 2021.The group relies heavily on suicide bombings.

The situation in Kabul shows that Afghanistan remains complex and severe. The U.S. still wants to withdraw from Afghanistan by end of this month, but President Biden still worries that other attacks could be possible in the final days.

As President Biden said, “We will not forgive and we will not forget. We will hunt you down and make you pay.”

Our commitment to helping the Afghan people should not end after we withdraw. That is another important issue. Afghanistan can easily become an incubator of terrorism. As the longest U.S. war, we lost more than 2,300 troops and at a cost of more than $2 trillion dollars. After two decades, the extremist group is back in power. The U.S. and the world now need to decide what kind of relationship they will have with Afghanistan.