
【美南新聞泉深】最新消息,邁特澳利眼科手術中心(Mattioli Vision Professionals,MVP) 宣布加入 IQ Laser Vision,聯合爲在德克薩斯州和加利福尼亞州的華人和華裔患者提供服務。 鑒于華人和華裔青少年和成年人的近視比例很高,邁特澳利眼科手術中心把使命定爲是“通過提供清晰的視力改變華人華裔的生活”。
邁特澳利醫生負責領導的IQ Laser Vision的休斯頓中心爲德克薩斯州有視力矯正需求的華人和華裔患者提供服務。 這個IQ Laser Vision的13個行醫地點之一,邁特澳利醫生是美國眼科專科醫師委員會認證的手術醫生。 他在眼科領域擁有 20 多年的經驗,是屢獲殊榮的“美國頂級醫生”。 他進行過成百上千台白內障/植入手術、以及超過 6萬5千次激光屈光治療。
邁特澳利博士的女兒幾年前在 MVP 做了手術。 許多工作人員和家庭成員在 MVP 做了手術或者保健。 MVP 的大多數患者都是口耳相傳。 MVP是一個真正值得患者信賴的地方。
爲了更好地服務于華人和華裔患者,MVP配備了中文翻譯、中國醫師和技術人員。 他們希望滿足德州華人和華裔患者對矯正視力的需求。
MVP 通過 PRK、LASIK、SMILE、ICL 等手術幫助近視、遠視、散光、老花眼、白內障和翼狀胬肉患者矯正視力。
林殿凱醫生(Dr. Robert Lin) 是IQ Laser Vision 的創始人。他在休斯頓長大,從小就開始戴眼鏡。 林醫生在醫學院期間做了LASIK近視眼矯正手術,10幾分鍾時間以後就不需要戴了10幾年的眼鏡也可以看見了。這對林醫生來說是一次奇妙的經曆。 他決定成爲一名眼科醫生,幫助其他人經曆這種改變生命的變化。
林醫生帶領了一個由六名獲得美國眼科專科醫師委員會認證的傑出外科醫生組成的團隊,在德克薩斯州和加利福尼亞州的 13 個診所爲眼科患者服務。 這個“明星”團隊擁有超過 60 年的綜合經驗,總共執行了超過 15萬次手術,他們在完成SMILE激光矯正視力手術量方面全美排名第一。 他們的服務被患者評爲五星級服務。
LASIK 是美國目前最常用進行的屈光治療方法。 這是一項始于 20 多年前的技術。 除了 LASIK,MVP 還投資了最新、最先進的技術 SMILE。 SMILE 是英文Small Incision Lenticule Extraction 的字母縮寫,直譯是小切口透鏡提取。 是由 Carl Zeiss Meditec 發明創造的一台激光機器,目標替代 LASIK。
SMILE 激光眼科手術已在世界範圍內進行了十多年,2016年獲得 FDA 批准在美國使用。 MVP 是休斯頓做SMILE手術量排名第一的診所。
爲了惠顧廣大中國患者,MVP 提供免費眼部評估和$1100的折扣,(優惠券代碼 clearvision111)。此外,MVP診所還提供18-24個月的無息貸款。
邁特澳利眼科中心 (MVP) 的地址2200 Southwest Fwy, Suite 500, Houston, TX 77098 。位于 59 號高速公路和 Greenbriar 大街的交彙處,交通便利。 診所周一至周五上午 8:00 至下午 5:00 開放,每個月有一個星期六開放,請打電話咨詢。
電話:713-776-3937 (英語)
281-810-2057 (中文專線)
電子郵件:mvpeyes@mvpeyes.com Mattioli
微信ID clearvionhouston.
Mattioli Vision Professionals Provides Services for Chinese Patients
Recently Mattioli Vision Professionals (MVP) announced their proud partnership with IQ Laser Vision to better serve the Chinese speaking patients in Texas and California. Given the high percentage of nearsightedness of Chinese teenagers and adults, Dr. Mattioli makes it a mission to “transform lives by delivering clear vision.”
Dr. Fred Mattioli leads the Houston center to serve Chinese speaking patients with vision correction needs in Texas. Houston is one of 13 locations across California and Texas. Dr. Mattioli is board-certified by the American Board of Physician Specialties in Ophthalmology. He has 20+ years of experience in ophthalmology and is an award-winning “America’s Top Doctor.” He has performed hundreds of cataracts and lens implant procedures and over 65,000 laser vision correction procedures.
Dr. Mattioli's daughter had surgery at MVP a few years ago. Many staff members and family members have received vision care at MVP. Most of the patients at MVP came at the word of mouth. It is truly a place where patients trust.
To better assist Chinese speaking patients, MVP has a staff with Chinese interpreters, Chinese physicians and technicians. They hope to meet the needs of Chinese speaking patients in Texas.
MVP helps correct vision for patients with nearsighted, farsighted, astigmatism, presbyopia, cataract and pterygium through PRK, LASIK, SMILE, ICL and IOL surgeries.
Dr. Robert T. Lin was the founder of IQ Laser Vision. He grew up in Houston and wore glasses himself at a young age. Dr. Lin had LASIK surgery on his eyes after residency and had an amazing experience including no longer needing his glasses and contacts. He decided to become a top ophthalmologist to transform the lives of his patients by helping them get rid of their glasses and contacts.
Dr. Lin led a team of six outstanding board-certified surgeons with over 60 years of combined experience across 13 locations serving patients in Texas and California. Together they performed over 150,000 procedures and they are the #1 SMILE laser vision center in the U.S based on experience and volume.
LASIK is the most performed refractive treatment in Houston. It is a technology that started 25+ years ago. In addition to LASIK, MVP has invested in the most advanced technology, SMILE. SMILE stands for Small Incision Lenticule Extraction. SMILE laser eye surgery has been performed for over ten years throughout the world and received FDA approval for use in the United States in 2016. Mattioli Vision Professionals is proud to be the #1 SMILE laser vision correction provider in Houston based on volume.
SMILE is truly a minimally invasive procedure compared with LASIK. As you can see from the graph and video, LASIK will create a hinged flap that will have a 20 mm diameter opening on the cornea, while SMILE will only create a 4mm diameter opening on the cornea.
Make your appointment for a free laser vision correction consultation and $1100 discount for LASIK or SMILE eye procedure with a coupon code clearvision 112.
MVP offers 18-24 months interest free financing.
Mattioli Vision Professionals is conveniently located at the intersection of highway 59 and Greenbriar. 2200 Southwest Fwy, next to FedEx. 5th floor. Clinic opens Monday through Friday 8:00am-5:00pm and one morning on Sat each month.
Main line: 713-776-3937 (English)
281-810-2057 (Chinese)
Email: mvpeyes@mvpeyes.com
Wechat ID clearvisionhouston
Website: www.mvpeyes.com.