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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 09/22

大俠行天下日記  我見我聞我思 09/22

我見 我思 我聞

重返哈佛廣場 見機械人炒菜

今午從察理河畔再返劍橋哈佛大學廣場已经是兩年前的此時,我們在哈佛科學館舉辦了麥當勞升學展,近三百位孩童參加了整天的座談, 他們都企盼有天能擠進哈佛之窄門。

此行之目的除了重溫哈佛廣場之學術溫馨氛圍, 主要是走訪一家由機器人掌廚的智慧型餐廳-斯拜斯,從哈佛廣場東行一條狹長的街道, 走進大門時, 食客已经云集,在長型華麗的櫃枱上設有幾台點餐的電腦 ,客人們在屏幕上點菜付款, 餐單上主要兩大類 ,其中包括冷盤沙拉和熱炒麵及飯煲,當你的点菜資訊輸入之時,廚房𥚃的機器人在數分鐘內就把熱騰騰和新鮮沙拉盤送上輸送帶, 一個無人之交易基本完成。

據稱這套全自動電腦控制之烹調技術, 是由哈佛及麻省理工學院學生們硏究完成的機械人產品, 我親睹了這套新科技為我們生活帶來的震撼, 今午也和老同學波城僑領陳家驊主席重逢 ,因疫情關係已有兩年未回波士波, 老友敘舊也是人生一大快事。

A Visit To SPYCE At Harvard Square

Today I was so delighted to return to Cambridge. Almost two years ago we were here at Harvard University Science Center sponsoring the McDonald’s education workshop. More than three hundred young students attended the event to learn how to get into a better college and apply for scholarships. Many former Asian students who attended Harvard gave lectures and told their stories on how today’s students can become a Harvard student. 

Today we were here to visit a “Robot restaurant” named SPYCE that is located near Harvard Square. When we walked in the door we saw several menu choices on the wall that showed the salads and warm bowls items they offered including chipotle lime Latin salad, summer strawberry salad, golden Greek salad, spicy noodle bowl, coconut curry and rice bowl. After you order from the screen and pay for your order, within minutes your order is ready and the plates and bowls are sent straight to you on a conveyor belt so customers can enjoy the food right away with very little waiting.

I was told this automated Robot cooking system was invented by Harvard and MIT students. These new technologies really upgrade our food service industry. Robot cooking will help restaurants enter a new phase of operation.

I was so glad to meet my old classmate Chairman Paul Chan again. He is the  leader in the Boston Chinese community. We enjoyed our lunch together and talked a lot about our old college life and how wonderful it was and how much we loved it.