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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 09/25

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 09/25

我見 我聞 我思


成千上萬的難民停滯在美墨邊境國際大橋下 估計在一萬四千人左 其中大部分是海地難民 他們穿越過十個國家來到美國希望追求更好的生活 這個苦難的國家遭受過大地震總統遇刺 真是山窮水盡 人間悲劇

拜登政府今天已經在國際大橋附近架設臨時醫院 給予難民們醫療服務 也正在加快對难民們的身份審查 同時也加開班機把部分人遣送回海地

我們目睹美國邊境執行人員騎在馬上以皮鞭驅離和鞭打企圖横過河水進入美國的鏡頭 實在令人不可思議 在華府 許多非裔議員大力譴責執法之不當 更為我們自稱是維護民主自由的國家感到羞愧

近百年來 美國成為世界第一経濟和軍事強國 來自世界各地的移民不斷湧入 除了正常的移民管道之外 許多都是經由美墨邊境及其他非法路線進到美國 這些多半是年輕力壯的難民 確實為美國勞工貢獻了巨大的空缺 也有許多难民成為社會之中堅份子

我們要呼籲政府能夠善待這些難民 他們在自己的國家遭受到太多的苦難 稱為美國後院的中南美洲國家 多半都處於濟不振 民生淍零之中

從宏觀角度來看 美國必須調整方式 加強對這些國家之濟改善 解決民生問題才是解決難民之道

We Are In Migrant Crisis

Nearby the International Bridge, American immigration authorities at the US-Mexico border in Del Rio, Texas, are trying to process thousands of immigrants and open up a field hospital.

The hospital became fully operational on Tuesday and has already treated almost 1,000 people.

Many of the migrants are from Haiti and have crowded under the Del Rio International Bridge for several days now. At one time topping almost 14,000 people, they sleep in the dirt surrounded by garbage and with no water or food.

Many of them embarked on months-long journeys to make it to America, especially those from Haiti, who fled their country due to the political instability and the earthquake in July.

The Biden administration has faced bipartisan criticism for his handing of the influx of migrants. Some Democrats have called on the administration to stop deporting those who have fled Haiti and slammed those border patrol officials who used aggressive tactics confronting them. Many flights have already left from the U.S. and have sent 1,400 Haitians back to their country.

It is a very sad story what is happening now on the border. Over the last several years so many people want to come to the United States looking for a better life, but many of them didn’t make it.

We need to urge the U.S. government to help those countries to develop their own economies. This is the very basic reason to make a better life for these people so they won’t need to risk their lives to come to the U.S.

We all hope that the U.S. government will handle all the migrants in a humane way.