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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 09/28

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 09/28

我見 我思 我聞


拜登和民主黨團隊本週在國會山莊將面臨前所未有之嚴峻考驗包括是否能聯邦政府繼續運作 或是関門之命運

根據最新的數字 國會需要通過四萬億之預算 是件十分艱難之任務 而且 共和黨將會阻止預算案而使聯邦政府停擺

由參議院通過的萬二千億基建法案已被眾議院安排在本週四才進行表決 對於法案中有關社會安全救助也在民主黨內有爭議 共和黨更聲稱要阻擋上調赤字預算之表決

參議院今晚將投票表決把政府預算延到十二月三日 民主黨目前只有幾天时間才解決預算赤字上限之問題

佩羅西議長週日在訪問中堅定表示 我不會把那些無法通過的法案提交國會

剛從大衛營回到白宮的拜登總統 他將在本週使盡全力來應對預算案之挑戰

美國联邦政府是否会關門 這將取決於國會諸公之智慧和能力了

Is The Federal Government Going To Close Down?

President Biden is entering the seismic week of a legislative agenda fight for his budget.

The vote on his $1.2 trillion senate-passed infrastructure has been delayed until Thursday and Republicans are determined on blocking the raise the debt ceiling proposal.

If the government funding bill is ended this week without resolution, the federal government will shut down. Democrats will have three days to fund the government and there is no backup plan B at the moment. The short term option could run through early December or a matter of weeks.

The $3.5 trillion spending bill represents the most ambitious effort for the Biden administration to deploy the power of government to remake the economy in decades.

Amid the resurgence of the pandemic and a messy withdrawal from Afghanistan means that success on Capitol Hill is now more important for Biden’s political future.

Recent polls show that the majority of Americans favor the infrastructure spending on roads, bridges and transportation. Education, care of the elderly, healthcare and fight for climate change issues also enjoy wide support.

Today we are facing so many challenges. We want both parties to work together to solve the many problems facing our country.