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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 10/01

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 10/01


包括五名休斯敦居民在內的二十多名人士 週四被聯邦檢察官起訴 指控他們詐騙了一千七百多萬美元 罪名還包括洗錢和蓄意欺詐

根據聯邦起訴書中指出 這批人多半是透過交友社群網站對那些年長者下手 得逞後就把錢匯往國外

大約有一百人上當騙走了一千七百萬元 其中也包括許多公司行號及政府單位之支票

這批騙徒通常是在社交交友网站偽裝是交友來騙取受害人之信任後 開始對他們下手 當他們騙到錢後立即轉至國外戶頭

我們要呼籲大家特別注意類似騙局不斷上演 尤其是在社群網站上 無數交友網站更是無法無天 以假照片假資訊來行騙

我們更要奉勸大家決不要輕信那些假消息 在社交網站上必須察明訊息來源 如果有金錢上的問題 一定更要小心

這是一個資訊爆炸的时代 世界已經成為了地球村 那些騙徒藏在世界各地之黑暗角落 他們用許多方式突破人們的防范, 來對那些無辜者下手

Twenty-Three Charged In Scheme                                             To Steal $17 Million Dollars

Twenty-three suspects, including five Houston residents, were charged in an international fraud scheme and conspiracy to steal at least 17 million dollars.

According to the U.S. Attorney’s office they are also being charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud and money laundering. At the beginning of January 2017, the suspects used a multitude of fraudulent schemes to obtain money from their victims including online romance scams and emails including investor fraud and unemployment insurance fraud.

The suspects are accused of targeting older people and used various schemes such as a dating service website. Once they obtained money from their victims, it was then wired overseas.

If these people are convicted, they could face up to 20 years in federal prison.

We urge all people to pay close attention on the various social media websites. Many of them are misleading and are only trying to cheat their victims.

Today we are living in a global village. Now the internet age has brought us together, but also has created a lot of problems. We want to urge people to watch and be careful on what is being shown on the internet. A lot of the offers are too good to be true.