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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 10/27

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 10/27

我見 我聞 我思


周潔這位仁心善良的著名舞蹈家 經过多年和病魔之争鬥之後 終于倒下而回到故里長眠

那是八年前在上海 由好友國會議員格林帶隊之下 我們二十多位來自德州的中外友人 在周洁之安排下 在五光十色的外灘登上了一艘專船 航行在黃浦江上 客艙中安排了熱騰騰的火鍋 大夥們除了品嚐海鮮火鍋之外 更把兩岸熣燐夜色盡收眼底 這場夜遊和美食澈底顛覆了美國訪客和我們海外華人遊子之心扉 尤其是主人之真誠笑容及美艷容顏

多年前 這位影舞巨星在德州休斯敦創建了周潔舞蹈學校 在另一舞蹈家暁慧之襄助下 為本地培養無數之中外學子 不但教授他們舞蹈 他們吸收了中華文化之精髓 我們更要在此感謝的是 每年由中外社團共同主辦之新春游園會 都由她們擔綱策劃 邀集中外文藝團體 從早到晚在舞台上載歌載舞 是休斯敦地區之文化盛宴

今天我們生活在海外 就從未忘記我們的根 我們也要以華裔為榮 周潔在他一生中奔波於中美兩地 更不斷帶领無數孩童參加各種音樂營 當她看到兩國孩子們透過音樂譜上友誼之篇章時 她一定會面帶微笑和滿足

過去二年來之疫情打亂了所有人之生活節奏 上週參加亞裔商會之大型嘉華晚會 見到了許多好友們 大家有久違重逢 劫後餘生之感覺

許多好友都離我們遠去了 王增達董事長 張磊會長 王唯立老師 何明通教授 他們都曾經活躍在我們的生活圈中

人生舞台終有謝幕时刻 我們大家要把握美好的每一天 永遠活在大小的希望中 伸出手去關愛或幫助你週邊的人 就如周潔和離我們而去的諸多好友 他們應該是無憾地走完了自己的旅程。


The Final Dance For Zhou Jie

A Celebration of Life in loving memory of Zhou Jie was held last week in Houston, Texas. She passed away after many years of fighting with sickness.

It was eight years ago when we visited Shanghai, China, with Congressman Al Green. Ms. Zhou was the one who arranged a chartered boat for our group to tour the river and with a big hot pot dinner, we were able to see the beautiful night scenario of Shanghai. For many of us it was the first time to visit this great city and enjoy such delicious Chinese food. Ms. Zhou gave us the best reception and always with a big smile.

Almost twenty years ago Zhou Jie came to Houston, Texas, founded her dancing school with the help from another dancer, Xiao Hui. They taught so many young kids how to not just dance, but also to learn more about Chinese culture. The school became very famous and the students always performed in local community activities, especially each year when we celebrated the Lunar New Year. They are the ones who organized all the programs for us.

Ms. Zhou always traveled between Shanghai and Houston promoting her music camp and brought so many young students to Houston to learn about American culture.

For the last two years we have faced a very difficult time because of the pandemic. Many of our dear friends, including Chairman DT Wang, artist Willy Wang, Professor Ben Ho and his wife, Chairman Zhang. We pray they all will Rest In Peace now.

Last week when we attended the party at the Asian Chamber of Commerce, we were reunited again with so many old friends. We are so glad most of us have survived.

We want to bless everybody. All of us need to look to our future and try to help each other and build a better community.