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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 11/03

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 11/03

我見 我聞 我思


位於休斯敦國際區的艾利學區總監程百先生日前到美南電視台接受專訪, 主要是推廣该學區即將發行之公債 ,並和美南新聞共商合作推動全球教育視頻事項

艾利學區在程百總監的多年領導下 大力推廣多元文化教育 並設立了國際學校 教授華文及越文教育 舉辦各種族裔活動 成果豐碩並且大大提高了學生之素質和學區之名聲

由美南傳媒集團和休斯敦聯合國協會正在籌備的走進世界系列電視節目》, 希望和艾利學區合作 學童們有計劃的認識世界 每學年皆由學生們參加制作各種文化教育節目培養他們的世界觀

今天的世界透過網路和社群媒體已經產生極大之改變 美國孩童們更需要早些学習各種文化才能跟得上世界潮流


We Support The Alief Bond Election

Mr. HD Chambers, Superintendent of Schools for Alief came to our TV studio to be interviewed by Danny Nguyen and Sky Dong. They talked about Tuesday’s Bond election for the Alief School District.

We are so glad that our school district under the leadership of Mr. Chambers has been improved in many ways. The bond election this time will make major capital improvements. The total amount of the bond is $541,700,000.

There are also propositions ABCD which include general construction, recreational facilities, Crump stadium upgrade and technology equipment purchases

We are so glad the Alief School District has already started an international school program. Many years ago we started the International District. Since that time, so many new immigrants have come to our area from different parts of the world.

Southern News Group and the International Trade Center are planning to team up with the United Nations Association to produce a global TV program. We want to work with the school district and let the students have the opportunity to learn more about world affairs.

The Alief School District is one great model for our international students in this area. We will fully support Mr. Chambers’s vision and help to make our school district really become internationalized.