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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 11/05

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 11/05

我見 我思 我聞


衛生當局正在铺天蓋地的發送辉瑞疫苗,為全國二千八百萬五到十一歲的孩童們迅速施打疫苗, 輝瑞公司將在未來十天之內送出一千一百萬支疫苗。

醫務專家建議家長們應該立即和小兒科醫師聯絡, 如果無法約到就應該另找其他途徑诸如藥房或其他诊所。

許多藥房將從今天開始全面免費提供服務 ,家長們也可以在網上預約 ,而且不限於自己所住之城市, 也可以越州預約。

家長們感受到能夠為小孩接種疫苗是为社區走向正常生活的重要一大步, 在此之前我們都擔心他們上餐廳或到兒童博物館,也包括和親人們見面。

疾病管制中心呼籲家長們要立即和小兒科醫師和有關衛生單位聯繫, 盡快約定時間爭取接種。

我們要特別感謝醫藥單位能再次為孩童之健康作出重大貢獻, 但是, 在世界其他地區之兒童們仍然沒有這么幸運 ,我們還是要呼籲所有國家能互助合作 ,來共同解決此一危機,因為這是個世界性的共同問題。

Vaccine Comes To Rescue The Kids


After the CDC signed off to recommend that Pfizer’s lower dose Covid-19 vaccine be available to children ages 5-11, the result is that more than 28 million children will now be able to receive their vaccine.


This is a huge step forward for children and their parents. The bottomline shows that the vaccine is safe. Some doctors believe that having a safe and effective vaccine for children is important in bringing this pandemic finally to a close. 


Since the pandemic began, there have been more than 1.9 million children with Covid-19 cases, more than 8,300 hospitalizations and 94 deaths due to Covid-19. Now we the have ability to prevent the disease, future hospitalizations and deaths from Covid-19 in children between the ages of 5-11.


The Pfizer vaccine for children comes in smaller doses and was nearly 91 percent effective against symptomatic illness in the clinical trials of 5-11 year olds. 


We are so happy and feel very fortunate that the kids in this country can be vaccinated. But in the rest of the world, a lot of kids are still fighting for their survival.


We urge all the nations to work together and get more vaccine to the nations that are less fortunate. 


We also very much appreciate the drug companies of course for their hard work and for coming to rescue the world.