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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 11/07

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 11/07

11/5/2021 星期六日記


當拜登總統從歐洲返回白宮時,發現維吉尼亞州州長被共和黨籍的楊肯奪走州長保座 ,這正意味看民主黨之政治危機已經呈現 。

目前美國國内外正在面臨令人棘手之困境,首先是國內経済物價上漲通貨膨脹問題 ,一般民生用品從食物、 汽油 、用品都在不斷漲價 ,薪资平民家庭苦不堪言 。

國會兩黨對立嚴重, 包括民主黨也未能取得一致立場, 以致拜登上台已十個多月,還未能通過有關基建社會救助等之預算方案, 對現任政府之施政是大的阻礙和打擊。

在外交上, 和中國大陸之全面對抗, 整個台海和南海情勢丕變 ,並和澳洲英國進行軍事結盟, 利用台灣問題掀起纠紛, 如果處理不當將會引發戰爭。

拜登總統再度強調 ,人民需要我們有所行動, 這也是需要不斷努力,呼吁我們民主党人士支持通過基建法案。

我們要呼籲政府要正視目前之困境 ,也決不是通過法案就可以解決民生和民怨問題, 如果面對中美兩大國之紛爭和對峙, 可能是最緊急和必須之問題 。

在此疫情稍缓之時, 全球各國應該共同努力來改善生活 ,而不要再做無謂的對抗了。

Challenges For The Biden Administration


When President Biden came back home from Europe he received a lot of bad news. The Republican’s Glenn Youngkin won the seat of Governor of Virginia. In New Jersey, democratic governor Murphy won the seat very narrowly and defeated Republican challenger Jack Ciattarelli.


President Biden said that, “People wanted us to get things done and that is why I am continuing to push very hard for the Democratic Party to move along and pass my infrastructure bill and my Build Back Better bill.”


Biden has for months been working for his legislative agenda as his party has failed to pass a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure plan and a $1.75 trillion social safety net expansion bill.


Today most people are facing difficulties related to the rising prices of food, gas and general goods.


Overseas we are still having so many issues with China and many other countries including the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait.


If the current administration cannot solve the problems here and overseas, this is going to be very serious for the Democratic Party in the mid-term elections next year.


When President Biden reached a full year into his presidency, he already has felt a new sense of urgency to pass his agenda and provide direction for the Democratic Party.