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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 11/10

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 11/10

我見 我思 我聞



多年來 休斯敦國際區飛速之發展 百利大道上過過去年来之疫情氾濫和侵襲 如今已再度呈現繁榮景象 許多銀行皆看到良好之勢頭 紛紛希望設立分行 爭取貸款投資之機會

我在會見杜韓女士時 向她簡報了四十二年來美南集團在全美各大城市之發展情況 並配合國際貿易中心及新媒體新聞中心之服務 為成千上萬的中小企業提供各種社區 文化貿易之服務 尤其是每年都為社區舉辦農暦新年活動 已經成為代表亞裔社區文化之重要節日

近年來 包括華埠及國際區之蓬勃發展 主要取決於新移民及眾多社區銀行之大力支持和協助 許多商家才能在此創業 金融機構功不可滅

這位負責休斯敦及中徳州的資深銀行家 對於拓展國際區之銀行業務非常感興趣 尤其是對華亜裔之商業貸款業務

誠信銀行集團是全美十個最大銀行之一 目前在全國共有二千七百八十一個分行 旗下並経營保險 及各種金融服務

Important Role Of The Commercial Bank

It was my great pleasure to meet Ms. Kelsey Durham today at our office. We discussed the International District and the local economy in general.

Almost a quarter century ago, Bellaire Blvd. was just farm land because a lot of newcomers, especially new immigrants, moved to this area. Many small businesses were started mainly because local financial banks gave them a lot of support with their loans.

Today in the Houston International District all along Bellaire Blvd. all kinds of stores have opened including supermarkets, restaurants, beauty salons and insurance companies. Just in the last five years there were four hundred stores that have opened for business.

Trust is trust and investment management services are provided by SunTrust Bank. And branch banking and trust company both are now Trust Bank.

We are so glad such a large bank is interested to come into our community and be a part of our future for assistance.

Banking is such an important part of our community. So many new businesses not only need financial assistance, they also need to learn how to manage their business.

We are very proud of our International District. I told Ms. Durham that we can team up together to promote business as well as community service.